Soma Sarkar, an employee of the Indian multinational corporation Wipro, sparked outrage by posting a disrespectful meme of Bhagwan Ram and Sita Maa on April 20. She shared a post of Bhagwan Ram throwing Sita Maa into a blazing pyre.
She shared a picture on Facebook wherein Bhagwan Ram was shown tossing Sita Maa into a burning pyre, and ‘Ram after rescuing Sita from Ravana’ was written on it. The picture had a caption, “Chaddis (a derogatory term for RSS members) will say Ravaan kidnapped the shadow of Sita. Bolo Jay Shree Raam”, followed by multiple laughing emojis.
Screenshots of her divisive Facebook post started across other social media platforms. Soma was criticised by netizens for her comments and demanded that her employer, Wipro, take action against her.
Many users have tagged her employer Wipro and Kolkata police and demanded action against her.
As per the reports, her social media handle on LinkedIn states that she is working as ‘Pharmacovigilance Assistant’ at Wipro, but now her account is deleted/deactivated.
Her alma mater is identified as ‘NSHM College of Management and Technology’ on her LinkedIn page.
After browsing the university website, Soma Sarkar’s name was discovered on the list of students placed at Wipro Pvt Ltd. in 2020. One of her recent Instagram posts (@flying_megh) was accompanied by the hashtags ‘wipro’, ‘wiproites’, and ‘wiprokolkata’.
Despite the fact that multiple social media users requested a reaction from Wipro, the company did not reply to the allegations or publish a statement.
Making derogatory comments about Hinduism is not something new. Last month, a video of a girl from Bihar went viral who was seen lighting a cigarette from the burning Manusmirti. In January 2023, Bihar’s Education Minister and RJD leader Chandrashekhar commented that the book, Ramcharitmanas spreads hatred in society during the convocation ceremony of Nalanda Open University.