The Uttar Pradesh (UP) Government has amended the syllabus for defence studies in state universities to include readings on the Pulwama attack and surgical strike under the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. The defence studies students will also be taught about wars since Tretayuga to date and the victories of the country’s soldiers in those wars, Hindustan reported.
The UP Government has constituted a three-member committee to prepare the syllabus for defence studies including the well-known defence expert and chairman of the Department of Defence Studies, Allahabad University, Prof Prashant Agarwal.
Prof Prashant Agarwal informed that foundation and elective subjects would also be introduced in the new syllabus. He informed that 70 per cent of course syllabus in state universities will be the same, while the universities are preparing the remaining 30 per cent syllabus. The new syllabus has been prepared and sent to the UP Government.
Prof Prashant Agarwal informed that three subjects, languages (Hindi and English) and the Concept of War, have been included in the foundation courses. Furthermore, the elective subjects will include Disaster Management, Environmental Change and Problems, Indian Martial Arts, International Relations, Theoretical Aspects of National Security, Science and Technology of War and Contemplation of War have been included in the syllabus.
Indian Defense Organisation, Economics of National Security, Current Environment of the World, Geopolitics and Geo Military, India’s Unconventional Security and Challenges will also be a part of the syllabus. Furthermore, the students would be given a tour of the country’s border or an online course.