Tripta Tyagi, a handicapped woman, the name of the teacher was highlighted by the liberal media and the activists on social media for allegedly punishing a Muslim student due to his religious identity. The case made headlines as the ‘Muzaffarnagar Salp Case’. However, the same media is mute, when an opposite case has been reported from Uttar Pradesh’s Sambhal district. On September 26, a private school teacher, Shaista Bano asked fellow Muslim students to beat a Hindu child after he failed to answer a question.
Following the religiously motivated action, the father of the class 5 student lodged an FIR against the teacher and the minor student of St. Anthony School, Sambhal. The duo have been booked under sections of the IPC (Indian Penal Code) and the investigations are underway.
As per the reports, Nitin Kumar Tyagi, a native of the Siroli area of Sambhal has filed a First Information Report (FIR number – 290/2023) against Shaista and a minor student at the Asmoli police station on September 28. He alleged that his son was intentionally punished by the class teacher due to his religious identity.
He claimed that the class teacher got his son slapped by a Muslim student after he could not answer a question asked by her. This hurt his religious sentiments and action should be taken against them. He alleged that the teacher had incited communal hatred by engaging two children.
The statement of the minor victim can be seen here.
Based on the complaint, an FIR under Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections (promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, etc.) and 323 (voluntarily causing hurt) was lodged against the accused teacher, additional SP Shrish Chandra told media.
In a video statement shared on social media platform X, the ACP Sambhal informed that the accused teacher has been arrested by the police.
थाना असमोली क्षेत्रान्तर्गत शिक्षिका द्वारा एक छात्र की दूसरे छात्र से पिटाई कराये जाने तथा पुलिस द्वारा अभियोग पंजीकृत कर शिक्षिका को गिरफ्तार किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में #ASP सम्भल की बाइट।#UPPolice
— SAMBHAL POLICE (@sambhalpolice) September 29, 2023
In this matter, school principal Shamina Grafcimol says that as soon as she came to know about this incident, she immediately suspended the accused teacher from the school. The Principal further said that whenever a teacher is hired, an agreement is signed on a stamp paper. In which it is written that no child can be physically tortured.
Notably, in August this year, a video of a minor boy getting slapped by fellow students in the presence of a female teacher went viral. The said video was circulated in social media by left-liberal media outlets and representatives as a Hindu woman ordering students to beat a Muslim student. However, after the video went viral, the Uttar Pradesh police issued a clarification video stating there was no communal angle in the video. The teacher turned out to be a Divyang and hence she used students to punish the minor, claims around the video arose, and so did the controversy.
A case was registered against the accused teacher, Tripta Tyagi, under IPC sections 323 (voluntary causing hurt) and 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace).
The Supreme Court on September 25 said that there cannot be any quality education if a student sought to be penalised on the ground that he belongs to a particular community as it pulled up the Uttar Pradesh government for a shoddy probe into the Muzaffarnagar case.
The top court directed the UP government to appoint a senior IPS officer within a week to probe the case.