On March 11, news agency ANI reported a shocking incident in a small village in Chhatisgarh. As per the report on the auspicious occasion of ‘Holika Dahan’ Mohammad Sameer, Shahid Khand and his friends burnt a poster of Bhagwan Shiva in front of a Mosque. The incident was followed by massive protests in the town, the situation is currently under control. Police have arrested seven accused in the case so far.
Video from the incident is being circulated widely on the internet. ANI also tweeted about the incident as per which the Additional Superintendent of Police, DC Patel said, they are tracking the culprits through CCTV footage.
गुढ़ियारी क्षेत्र में होलिका दहन के दौरान कुछ लोगों ने भगवान शिव के पोस्टर को होलिका में डालकर जला दिया था। मामले में आज विवाद हो रहा था, जिसके बाद FIR दर्ज की गई। सीसीटीवी फूटेज के आधार पर घटना में शामिल लोगों की पहचान कर कार्रवाई की जाएगी: डी.सी. पटेल, एडिशनल SP, रायपुर(10.03) pic.twitter.com/0PjZ5B6zre
— ANI_HindiNews (@AHindinews) March 10, 2023
As per the media reports, after the alleged incident Hindu activists called for protest and the police had to deploy extra force to stabilise the condition. A group of Muslim boys tore posters of Bhagwan Shiva and then throw them on the burning Holika. This was unacceptable to the local Hindus and they demanded immediate action against the perpetrators.
An FIR (number–109/23) has been instituted against the culprits at the Gudiyari police station. The status of the case shows sensitive. As per the citizens portal, these accused have been booked under I{PC section 295-A (deliberate and malicious act intended to hurt religious sentiments).
The Raipur Police from their official Twitter handle also confirmed the arrests of seven accused in the case and said the situation is now under control.
घटना पर ग़ैर जमानती अपराध पंजीबद्ध कर संलिप्त सभी 7 आरोपियों को गिरफ़्तार कर न्यायिक अभिरक्षा में भेज दिया गया है। रायपुर में शांति है। कृपया शांति बनाये रखें।
— Raipur Police (@RaipurPoliceCG) March 11, 2023
ASP while speaking with ANI said, so far they have recovered the footage which shows some youth tore the poster of Lord Shiva from a nearby temple and put it on fire. They can be seen from the back, the police teams are trying to locate them and strict action will be taken against them upon identification.
After the arrest of the accused boys, the news agency PTI also shared an update.
2 men arrested, 5 minors detained for allegedly tearing religious posters and throwing them in Holi bonfire in Raipur, Chhattisgarh: Police
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) March 10, 2023