P K Anas, a constable in Kerala police, was suspended from service for leaking sensitive information of RSS-BJP leaders from the official records and police database to PFI-SDPI terrorists.
The police recovered the personal information of RSS leaders from the mobile phones of the accused in a case, wherein PFI terrorists assaulted a bus conductor named Madhusoodhan in Thodupuzha of Idukki district. These sensitive records were leaked from the police database.
Earlier, Malayalam daily Janmabhumi had reported that PFI moles in the police force had leaked Personal information of at least 135 RSS and BJP and passed it on to the PFI-SDPI terrorists. Later, it was found that it was the handiwork of PK Anas, a PFI agent in the Kerala police.
Following the internal inquiry, Anas was transferred to the Idukki headquarters and later he was suspended from the force after a detailed probe.
In the investigation of Deputy Suprendenent of Police, it was found that Anas accessed sensitive information on RSS-BJP leaders from the state police database using official ID and shared it with PFI-SDPI. The investigation officer based on his findings recommended department-level action against the CPO to the district police chief. Based on the investigation report and the recommendation, the district police chief R. Karupuswamy suspended Anas.
The presence of Islamic radicals in Kerala police first came to the fore in 2018, when the intelligent sources reported that a What's App group called Pachavelicham (Green Light) operated secretly among Muslim police officers. This group was allegedly involved in supporting Islamic terrorists who involve in Love Jihad, terrorism and other anti-national activities.
Recently after the incidents of attacks and murder of RSS-BJP workers BJP state president K Surendran alleged that the Kerala police is supporting the PFI and SDPI in the state. He further alleged that there is a group in police force who are working for Islamic outfits like PFI.