The Sangh has taken birth for uniting our society and making it strong. Sangh’s shakhas are doing the task of strengthening the Hindu society all over India. There should not be a single village in India, where there is no shakha of the Sangh” – Dr Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, Founder, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh

These days, Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha (ABPS), the apex representative body of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), is followed and observed curiously. The decisions taken by this democratically elected forum run by the RSS swayamsevaks themselves are interpreted according to their own perspective, by the observers, habitually with the political prism. This year’s ABPS was no exception. The election of Sarkaryavah further made it a topic of discussion and political inference.
Every three years, the RSS Sarkaryavah is elected through a democratic means, usually through a consensual method. This feature of the organisation was there even when the written Constitution was not in place. Generally, elections are synonymous with dissension and division, which is unheard of in any of the Sangh elections. From the local level Sanghchalaks and district representatives to the top executive level Sarkaryavah, the same democratic consensus building is their methodology. The primary reason for this rarity is not the nature of the Constitution but the character of the organisation. Familial interaction among swayamsevaks based on trust and confidence and collective and consultative decision-making process are the twin pillars on which the Sangh functions. So, the election is a smooth transition process, where one swayamsevak hands over responsibility, like handing over a baton, to another swayamsevak. This sense of responsibility of realising the organisation’s fundamental goals, which are constantly evolving as per the changing time, makes the RSS a unique and evolutionary organisation. From Shakha for Shakha’s sake, to Shakha as a nucleus energy centre of all positive transformations is nothing but ‘progressive unfoldment’ of the original Sangh vision.
Despite the slow and unfolding nature of the organisation, due to the collective nature of the decision-making process, organisational work is transformative and fundamental. The way movement has grown in various spheres, whether students, labours, art and culture or political, the impact is visible. While doing so, Sangh has reached out to all the positive forces in society and shaped the national agenda with the collective will. From Article 370 to Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, the way RSS invoked the societal force to take the issues to their logical conclusion is unprecedented in modern times. The way Sangh Swayamsevaks displayed innovation, dedication and adaptability during the Covid-19 crisis is unparalleled. From e-Shakhas to e-training programmes were evolved to train people. Active support to the local administration was galvanised for the virus related awareness and, wherever necessary, for the last rites of the victims of Coronavirus was also ensured. As Sangh is approaching the centenary year of its foundation, we will see a greater impact of this silent transformation. The persistent efforts of lakhs of swayamsevaks will make a more fundamental contribution in the areas of environmental protection, Ganga cleanliness and liberating temples from the Government control.
Political parties that use RSS as a punching bag to cover up their failures do not understand the mantras behind this smooth transition and silent transformation. Like their own ideological position, they also believe RSS as a mere political force that operates through the State machinery. On the contrary, RSS has grown manifold despite the repressive measures of the earlier governments. Working in the society, to organise the society so that State dependence is reduced is the fundamental philosophy of RSS. Channelising the positive energies so that a localised problem-solving approach is developed was the age-old Bharatiya practice; RSS is the modern manifestation of the same. Building a collective societal vision for a prosperous, powerful and peaceful Bharat is the primary goal of the RSS. The message from ABPS is to embrace every Bharatiya for the transformative path so that the edifice of this ancient Rashtra is strengthened to find solutions for the contemporary world.