The exclusive interview of RSS Sarsanghchalak Dr Mohan Bhagwat in Organiser’s issue dated March 25 was an eye-opener and educative in many ways for people who do not understand the RSS properly. Many curiosities and speculations about the RSS are set at rest when one goes through the interview, which also elaborates how the Sangh has spread its wings among the youth. It was interesting to understand how the RSS’s functioning was not just personality-oriented. The report on Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha meeting held in Nagpur also enlightens on the extent of work the RSS has been doing in the country which is remarkable. It is heartening to see that the number of ‘shakhaas’ grew upto 59,000 in 2018 and has been steadily growing. A glimpse about
activities of various “sangathans” associated with the RSS is self-explanatory about the deep inroads that the RSS has built to help the people in various segments in
the society.
AK GUPTA, Meerut
Warning Bells
This refers to the article Saffron Surge in Red Fort carried in Organiser. The people of the Northeast who had Communists and Congress for decades saw an honest man from most humble beginnings coming to help them So they took the courage and voted for the BJP. Now these victories all around the nation have scared the opposition so much that they are uniting with one point agenda. “Let us remove Modi at any cost”. Sonia Gandhi says, she will make sure ModiG wont come to power again. Trinamool spokesperson says this August 15 function will be the last one for Modi . Now that the BJP has lost two Lok Sabha by-elections of significance in UP. These were Yogi Adityanath”s constituencies which he used to win by a big margin. Now the SP and the BSP have joined hands and won. Winning margin is not huge but a win is a win. Unless the BJP consolidates its vote-bank and brings all the people who got benefits from the Centre to campaign and vote, the BJP may see more surprises. Have we helped the farmers ? Yes. Have we helped the students? have we helped young girls and mothers? Yes. Have we helped new entrepreneurs? Yes ,we have . Have we got the army one rank one pension? Yes.Roads, train tracks, lavatories, air and train connections ete etc. Unless we make the volunteers go around the nation and educate, the Opposition will take advantage of the ignorance of the poor and take maximum benefits. The warning bells have started ringing.
Rangaesh Gadasalli on Website
Need for A New Awakening
Apropos special issue of Organiser on Being Hindu (dated March 18) I wish to point out that misinformation about the Hindus in the Western World in the past decades has been widespread and unchallenged. While one could understand why the media in other countries presented a slanted view of Hindus, one always detested the anti-Hindu stand taken and propagated by the Indian media and the Indian Governments led by the Congress. In the earlier days even the Indian Government diplomats refrained themselves from attending the festivals and functions of Hindus. it was an uphill battle to organise the Hindus and to inculcate the feeling of pride in them for what they were and to assert their presence. Changes in India also helped change the mindset of overseas Hindus. While there si a long way to go to get the recognition due to overseas Hindu, the presence and recognition of the contribution of Hindus in these countries is being felt. The future holds hope and promise.
Kamlesh Sharda on Website