Samvadshala is a unique experiment in the field of Sanskrit education. Situated in Mandoli village, on the outskirts of Delhi, samvadshala is a joint project of Sanskrit Bharati and Badri Bhagat Devi Mandir Society, to train people to teach and speak Sanskrit. The 14-day residential training programme of the samvadshala employs the total immersion method and other approaches for imparting education in the language. The training is supplemented by audio-visual aids, cassettes, CDs, etc. From morning 5 a.m. to 10 p.m., all activities such as yoga, language learning, drills, lectures, leadership training, games, group activities, instructions, eating, chating, singing, etc., are conducted in Sanskrit only. By the end of two weeks, every participant becomes fluent in Sanskrit. The 108th batch of the samvadshala was organised from November 15 to 30 at Sevadham. A total of 143 persons from 17 states participated in the camp. Dr Hareram Tripathi, professor of Nyaya, Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, while addressing the participants stressed the need for the study of Shastras and praised the total dedication of full-time volunteers of Sanskrit Bharati who have been doing silent tapasya in samvadshala. Over 3,000 people across the country have been trained in samvadshala in 107 batches during the last five years. Participants also came from Nepal, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, Israel, Russia, Kazakhstan, Germany, USA, UK, etc. The samvadshala is first of its kind project in the whole world and has created waves in the Sanskrit field. Free boarding and lodging to the participants is provided by the Badri Bhagat Devi Mandir Society. Shri Sudhishta Kumar, training incharge, has been the fountainhead of inspiration for the samvadshala for all these years.