Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi informed the Odisha Assembly that the State Government has instructed District Collectors and Superintendents of Police (SPs) to launch a crackdown on Bangladeshi infiltrators residing in various districts, including Kendrapada, Bhubaneswar, and Puri. The authorities have been directed to identify and trace these individuals, with the goal of addressing concerns related to illegal infiltration.
MLA Bhaskar Madhei asked the Government about their plan to identify Bangladeshi infiltrators in areas like Kendrapara, Bhubaneswar, and Puri. In response, Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi said that district authorities have been instructed to identify potential infiltrators from Bangladesh and that the identification process is being prioritised in Kendrapada, Bhubaneswar, and Puri districts.
The Chief Minister added that to facilitate the identification process, Collectors and Superintendents of Police have been directed to establish teams at the block, tehsil, and police station levels. These teams will be responsible for conducting the exercise to identify Bangladeshi infiltrators in their respective areas, ensuring a thorough and systematic approach.
Chief Minister Mohan Majhi, while addressing another question in the Odisha Assembly, revealed that as of 2021, approximately 3,740 Bangladeshi nationals were residing illegally in various districts of Odisha. Among these infiltrators, Kendrapada district had the highest number with 1,649 individuals, followed by Jagatsinghpur with 111, Malkangiri with 655, Bhadrak with 199, and Navrangpur with 106. Additionally, 17 Bangladeshi intruders were found in Bhubaneswar, while 2 were discovered in Bargarh district.
The Chief Minister informed that 18 marine police stations have been established to prevent infiltration from Bangladesh. The staff at these police stations regularly patrol the maritime border and closely monitor any infiltrators. Additionally, he mentioned that the marine police stations had been equipped with night vision devices, digital cameras, LED searchlights, and other necessary technical equipment.
Majhi also informed that concerted efforts are being made to address the issue of Bangladeshi intruders entering through both the waterway and West Bengal. To achieve this, collaboration has been established with the Superintendents of Police from all districts, officers from state and central intelligence agencies, and naval officers.
Additionally, the State intelligence agency has been instructed to gather information on the intruders through regular communication with coastal fishermen associations and trawler associations.
The Chief Minister announced that the Union Government has supplied 15 fast interceptor boats in the initial phase. Among these, ten boats have a 12-tonne capacity while the remaining five boats have a 5-tonne capacity.