In the Bhabhar area of Banaskantha, Gujarat, a deeply disturbing incident occurred that has sparked significant outrage within the Jain community. Two miscreants attempted to molest a Jain Sadhvi in broad daylight, displaying a blatant disregard for decency and the values of the community. Despite the gravity of the situation, even after 24 hours, the police have not managed to apprehend the culprits, which has only intensified the anger and frustration among community members.
The incident took place on a Monday (August 19) afternoon near Rollio Nagar in Bhabhar. The Jain Sadhvi was alone in a field when two men approached her. Seizing the opportunity, they attempted to molest her, believing they could act with impunity. However, the Sadhvi, undeterred by their actions, raised an alarm, which caused the assailants to flee the scene immediately.
Following the incident, the Jain Sadhvi promptly informed the Jain Sangh about the assault. In response, the community leaders, known for their strong stance on preserving the dignity and safety of their members, approached the police, demanding immediate action to apprehend the suspects. Their plea for justice was met with a high degree of urgency, as they called for a thorough and high-level investigation into the matter.
In response to the complaint, the local police have initiated a comprehensive investigation. They have released sketches of the two suspects based on the detailed description provided by the Jain Sadhvi. To expedite the process, five separate police teams have been formed, each tasked with different aspects of the investigation. These teams are operating in a “stand-to” mode, which indicates that they are on high alert and prepared to respond swiftly to any leads that may emerge.
The police are leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to locate the culprits. They have been reviewing CCTV footage from various locations, including key areas within the vicinity of the incident. In their pursuit of the suspects, they have already interrogated around one hundred individuals, hoping to uncover any information that could lead them to the attackers. Despite their extensive efforts, the investigation has yet to yield any significant breakthroughs.
One crucial piece of information provided by the Sadhvi could potentially aid the investigation. She mentioned that one of the attackers had a “tilak” on his forehead, which could be a vital clue. Acting on this lead, the police have specifically reviewed CCTV footage from two nearby temples, hoping to find images that match the description of the suspects.
As the investigation continues, the Jain community remains in a state of unrest. The inability of the police to swiftly apprehend the culprits has exacerbated tensions, with many members expressing their frustration over the delay. The leaders of the Jain community are continuing to press for justice, emphasising the need for a swift resolution to the case to restore the sense of safety and security among the community members.