Uttar Pradesh Police have uncovered a cow smuggling operation and arrested six people for stealing from trucks carrying cattle. Chandauli Superintendent of Police Aditya Langeh said the arrests happened on August 14, and two trucks full of cattle were seized. The suspects had stopped a truck taking cattle to a ‘gaushala’ and stole the animals. Police found that the cattle were packed tightly and tied up to keep them from moving.
Ajit Kumar, one of the suspects, was caught while trying to escape to Bihar. His five accomplices were also arrested. Chandauli’s Superintendent of Police assured that more arrests would be made as the investigation continued.
“On August 14, we seized two trucks full of cattle and arrested the suspects involved. The cattle were being sent to a ‘gaushala’ when some unknown people stopped the truck and stole the animals. We filed a case and arrested Ajit Kumar while he was trying to flee to Bihar. Along with him, five others were also caught. More arrests will be made soon,” said SP Aditya Langeh. Further investigation into the case is underway.
#WATCH | Chandauli, Uttar Pradesh: On the arrest of a cow smuggling gang, SP Chandauli Aditya Langeh says, "On August 14, two pickup trucks of cattle were seized. A case was registered and the accused were arrested… When the cattle were being sent to a 'gaushala', some unknown… pic.twitter.com/BcqV3HtAnM
— ANI UP/Uttarakhand (@ANINewsUP) August 19, 2024
In a related case, Tamil Nadu Police, working with animal welfare volunteers, uncovered an interstate cattle smuggling ring. They also rescued 57 cattle that were being transported in Chengalpattu.
After receiving a tip from animal welfare activist Sai Vignesh, the police stopped a vehicle for inspection. They discovered that the animals were packed tightly and that chilli powder had been put in their eyes to keep them awake.
The truck driver and cattle owner have been reported for treating the animals cruelly. They face charges under Section 325 of the Indian Penal Code and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. The abused animals have been sent to the Almighty Animal Care Trust sanctuary in Thiruvallur for urgent medical care. Meanwhile, the investigation is ongoing.