In Madhya Pradesh’s Gwalior district, a young Hindu girl and her mother have filed a complaint against Sameer Khan, accusing him of stalking. They claim that Sameer, who obtained the minor’s contact information, has been persistently following her. One day he barged into their house and threatened the minor at gunpoint to convert to Islam and marry him. Based on the victim and her mother’s complaint, the Gwalior police have booked him under sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
A First Information Report (FIR), in this case, was registered at the Kotwali Lashkar of the Gwalior district on September 23.
As per the police, the victim and her mother have alleged that a man identified as Sameer Khan has been stalking the minor, even after repeated warnings. Based on the complaint by the victim’s family, the accused has been booked under sections 345 (c) (stalking), 506 (criminal intimidation), and sections of the POCSO Act.
As per the victim’s mother, she set up a small stall at the local fair organised some time ago in the town. There, Sameer managed to obtain her daughter’s number. He started texting and calling her repeatedly. Even after repeated warnings, he did not stop.
Later, he began following the minor victim with demands of getting married upon conversion. One day, he even barged into their house and asked the minor to get married to him. He wants her to convert to Islam and become a Muslim, she added.
She said, “I had no idea about all this until my daughter tried committing suicide. Then she told me everything, I tried talking to him but he never stopped and then I came to register the FIR”
She added that he is accompanied by his sister, Sahiba Khan in this. She says, “I will not allow my brother to marry your daughter, we will force her into prostitution. Wait and watch. The whole family has been issuing death threats for us.”
The victim on the other hand shared that, “Sameer has been following me since the fair was concluded, I refused to have any relationship with him but he does not listen to me. I change my route but he keeps tracking”
“One day he managed to open the door and entered my house with a pistol and said, convert to Islam, become a Muslim and marry me. When I refused he said, I will kill your mother and you”.