A video of a woman in saree being dragged away by security staff from a gathering inside a Mosque is being shared on social media. The post which shares this video claims that the woman is a Hindu and that she disrupted prayers held in Virginia by climbing onto the pulpit of a mosque. Let’s fact-check this claim through this article.
The 57-second-long video shows a woman in a white saree and scarf draped over her shoulder arguing with security personnel inside the prayer hall. The video later shows her being escorted out of the mosque forcefully by security personnel.
The caption of the video shared is, ” A Hindu woman in Virginia, USA entered a mosque during Eid prayer, got on the mimbar, created a ruckus, and spew lslamophobic slurs. She was later arrested. Modi and BJP have been poisoning Indian minds beyond borders. The RSS poison has spread far and wide. It is now threatening social cohesion in western countries. Respect to the Muslims for their patience & not giving her a reaction or she would’ve played the victim card. ”
Watch the video on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter here.
Notably, The All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) centre clarified that the incident took place on April 21, 2023 and involved a woman from the Muslim community who is struggling with mental health issues.
The caption says, “We want to clarify that the recent incident at the mosque on Friday, April 21st, during the ADAMS Sterling, Virginia, Eid prayer involved an individual from the Muslim community struggling with mental health issues.
ADAMS leadership and social services have met and are working with the family to provide additional resources and help. The family sincerely asks for forgiveness for the incident in the morning during Eid prayers. The family has requested that those who posted the video to please remove it from social media to protect the family’s privacy since the video is causing additional stress to the family.”
ADAMS centre is a community organisation led by a small group of families in Herndon and Reston, Virginia founded in 1983, according to their Facebook page.