The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi will flag off the first Vande Bharat Express for Rajasthan through video conference today (April 12). The inaugural train will run between Jaipur and Delhi Cantt railway stations, officially from April 13. With this, the number of Vande Bharat Express trains running in the country goes up to 14.
Notably, the Delhi-Jaipur-Ajmer Vande Bharat Express will operate between Ajmer and Delhi Cantt with a stopover at Jaipur, Alwar and Gurgaon. As per the route drawn between these stations, the train will cover the distance between Delhi and Ajmer in 5 hours and 15 minutes.
Talking about the technicalities, this will also be the first semi-high-speed passenger train operating on high-rise overhead electric (OHE) lines.
As per the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), the train will run on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The price of a Chair car will be Rs1250 while that of an Executive Chair be Rs 2270 from Delhi to Ajmer.
On this occasion, the Ministry of Railways took it to Twitter and wrote, “A spirited welcome! More than 550 school students from Jaipur, Ajmer, Jodhpur & Bikaner in Rajasthan participated in quiz, drawing & essay competition to showcase their perpetual love for #VandeBharat Winners will board Ajmer-New Delhi #VandeBharatExpress on its inaugural run.”
A spirited welcome!
More than 550 school students from Jaipur, Ajmer, Jodhpur & Bikaner in Rajasthan participated in quiz, drawing & essay competition to showcase their perpetual love for #VandeBharat
Winners will board Ajmer-New Delhi #VandeBharatExpress on its inaugural run.— Ministry of Railways (@RailMinIndia) April 11, 2023
As this is the 14th Vande Bharat Express, before this, on 8 April, Modi flagged off the Chennai-Coimbatore Vande Bharat Express in Chennai. It was the second train in the semi-high-speed class to be flagged off on the same day after the Secunderabad-Tirupati Vande Bharat Express, which rolled out of the Secunderabad Railway Station in Telangana. Earlier, in January, Modi had flagged off India’s eighth Vande Bharat Express between Secunderabad and Vishakhapatnam. The launch came a week after Prime Minister Modi flagged off a Vande Bharat Express on the Bhopal-New Delhi route.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) informed from their official Twitter account, Prime Minister Shri @narendramodi will flag off Rajasthan’s first #VandeBharatExpress train on 12th April 2023 via video conferencing.
The live link to the conference is attached below:
Prime Minister Shri @narendramodi will flag off Rajasthan’s first #VandeBharatExpress train on 12th April, 2023 via video conferencing.
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•— BJP (@BJP4India) April 11, 2023