Vijay Sampla, Chairman of the Scheduled Castes Commission, expressed happiness on visiting Bhave High School at Pune recently. He described the institution as a holy land where founder of RSS Dr. Hedgewar and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar had interacted with each other on May 12, 1939.
Articulating his thoughts, Vijay Sampla pointed out the great work carried out by the two respected personalities. “Dr. Ambedkar had given India its Constitution, which made people from deprived society regain their self-respect and power. I have grown up to be a minister along with these cultural values imbibed in me by RSS. These values helped me rise up from a mere worker to a post of ministry. I also feel that the life and values of the ideal people’s representative, Balasaheb Salunke should be brought forth in the public domain. It makes me feel happy that his biography is reaching out to the common man with the help of translated literature.”
Samajik Samarasta Manch and New Delhi-based Yash Publication presented two books titled “Our Saheb” and ‘Hamare Saheb’. Those who have had the good fortune of working and witnessing the working of Dr. Ambedkar have significantly contributed towards writing of this book. Members of Salunke family and Dilip Pardhi member of National Commission for Scheduled Castes along with Kashyap Salunke, President of the Balasaheb Salunke Social Foundation were present on this occasion.
Interestingly, Dr. Ambedkar had visited Sangh Shiksha Varg (Officers training camp). He witnessed what he had heard before and found it factual that there were students present in large numbers from the deprived classes (Scheduled Castes). “I am glad to mention here that a written evidence has been found to that extent in the writings of followers of Dr. Ambedkar. Dr. Ambedkar has given us all the mantras to be brave as a tiger and become leaders of society. All of this is made easy and possible because of the Constitution laid down by Dr. Ambedkar,” disclosed Sampla.
In his introduction to the book, Prof. Sudhir Gade expressed his joy for taking this biography at a national level. MP Rakesh Sinha extended funding for this books’ publication through ICSSR. Shri Sinhaji also penned the preface of this book. Salunkhe’s work in putting forth the principles of equality and harmony with the universal background has been commendable and so the onus is on us to take this work ahead to the next generation of our times.