Anand Mishra ‘Abhay’
To say that ‘riots are riots’ is very misguiding; it is much more misguiding to call them ‘communal riots’ and most misguiding is to give them the nomenclature of ‘Hindu Muslim Riots’. In fact if one analyses these riots in their proper perspective, he will certainly come to the conclusion that these riots are ‘Muslim Riots’ and if he goes deeper he will not be surprised to find them ‘Islamic Riots’ pure and simple.
Before analysing these riots propagated as communal or Hindu-Muslims riots, it is must to turn at least few pages of history which reveal the truth that in this sacred land of ours every riot was intended and aimed at only to annihilate ‘Qafirs’ i.e. Hindus from there eternal abode just to impose ‘Nizam-e-Mustafa’.
To find out the truth, let us look back to 1920 A.D. On Ist of August that year unfortunately Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak suddenly expired and this Godgiven golden opportunity was duly availed by the British rulers of India. Their secret operational machinery went in full swing to get the leadership of the Indian National Congress go in Gandhiji’s hands and they succeeded in their plan. Gandhi became the leader and other senior Congress leaders like Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya were pushed behind. The first world war (1914-18) was over. Turkey, as an ally was also defeated alongwith Germany. The Sultan of Turkey was also the ‘Khalifa’ of Islam, the highest religious authority. As Sultan was a defeated ruler, he was a defeated ‘Khalifa’ also. Britishers deprived him of Khalifa’s post. In India two very fanatic and shrewd political leaders of muslims Mohammad Ali And Shauqat Ali (then called as ‘Ali brothers’) started a very violative movement called ‘Khilafat’ in 1921. Gandhiji also declared ‘Asahyog Andolan’ (Non-Cooperation Movement) at the same time and tagged it to the tail of Khilafat Movement just to establish not friendship but brotherhood in the name of ‘Hindu Muslim Unity’. There was none to support him in the Congress, then Gandhiji approched Pt. Motilal Nehru to get his support and also of his bossom friend Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, a patriot par excellence. As per Madhu Limaye’s, a veteran socialist leader of his times, article published in ‘Nav Bharat Times’ (a Hindi Daily of repute) Motilal Nehru assured his and his friend’s support on the only condition that if independence comes during his life time he will become the Prime Minister and if dies, his son Jawaharlal should be made PM of India. (Here it will not be out of context to know that Gandhiji had promised to get independence within two years through his movement). This was a political blunder of Gandhiji which laid down the very foundation of Pakistan. The notorious Ali brothers were called Maulanas as they were then the leading feagures of converting a great number of Hindus to Islam. When Kamal Ata Turk a great revolutionary held the reins of Turkey with his radical reforms, this very Khilafat Movement died its own death. But Ali Brothers, top most fanatics directed their movement to start riots in many areas and places just to destroy Hindus. Moplas of Malabar (Kerala) went berserk and played havoc there. Genocide of Hindus was their very aim and they slaughtered more than ten thousand Hindus, converted more than twenty five thousands and raped women in a great number. The Congress called it ‘Mopla Revolt’ against English rule, but it was an Islamic onslaught in Kerala. Similar Islamic riots took place in Kohat, Bannu, Rawalpindi and several big cities. The Mopla onslaught was crushed by Gorkha Army. Gandhiji had exonerated the Moplas by calling it their religious duty. An other fanatic Maulana Hasarat Mohani had put forward a typically rogue argument i.e. no Hindu was forcibly converted to Islam. Hindus were provided two options-1. either accept Islam or 2. die (to be mercilessly killed i.e. to be slowly and slowly butcherd, deskined alive, burnt alive, sawed etc. etc.)
Veer Savarkar’s elder brother, Ganesh Damodar Savarkar was a great revolutionary. He had taken ‘Samnyas’ at that time. He travelled widely in Malabar and brought back a great number of converted Hindus to their forefathers fold. Arya Samaj and Hindu Mahasabha also participated in this cause wholeheartedly. To say in short, this genocide of Hindus by the Moplas laid down the very foundation of the creation of Pakistan. Here it is worth mentioning that Mohammad Ali Jinnah was totally againt this nonsense support of Gandhiji to Khilafat Movement and in protest he kicked off Congress. A nationalist Jinnah, an admirer of Tilak Jinnah, was thus compelled to join the Muslim league.
Since then Islamic fanaticism increased in leaps and bounds. Muslims started riots now and then throughout the entire country. The result was how tragic had been finally witnessed then on direct Action Day (16th. Aug. 1946) in Bengal under the supervision of Premier Hasan Shaheed Suharavardi himself. In Culcutta within three days more than 10,000 dead bodies of cruelly murdered Hindus were scattered on the roads of the great city and Noakhali, Khulna, Barisal districts were horribly turned into the slaughterhouses for Hindus. The net outcome of this great massacre of Hindus was the creation of Pakistan.
As soon as Pakistan was declared, muslms in their respective areas started attacks on Hindus. Our leaders of that time proved utter failure before the Muslim League leadership, it was a pity to see Gandhiji pleading in favour of the partition of the country in the A.I.C.C. on behest of Lord Mountbatten. Anyway Pakistan appeared on the world map as an Islamic country, a permanent nuisance for the entire world now as a factory of Islamic terrorism.
What an irony of fate that those who slept in the night of August 14, 1947 in their own country, in their ancestral homes found themselves on the very next morning as foreigners, unwanted and put to all sorts of tortures. What was their crime, their sin except that they blindly believed on the promise of their most revered leader called Mahatma Gandhi who betryed them at the very moment when put to litmus test. Since then this unfortunate nation is cursed to bleed at the hands of Islamic forces and Hindus have been made a third grade cilizens in their own eternal home. Day in and day out, Islamic riots occur in a well intended, well sponsored, well planned, well supported and well patronised way and see the beauty, every Govt. of this country, exonerated the culprits time and again in the name of ‘Secularism’, a new ‘Mazahab’ (not religion) which had been deliberately introduced in the preamble of our constitution. Is it not surprising that no member of parliament of any party has ever considered it proper to get the preamble restored to its original version.
Now let us retrospect. Since the first day of partition Islamic riots have become a permanent phenamenac. Godhra was the most gruesome incident. To exonerate the cruelmost culprits, all the secularists of various categories started a permanent propaganda campaign to malign Gujarat for the Hindu reaction against the culprits and their supporters. The then Chief Minister who is continuously winning every consecutive Assembly election has been on the top of their ‘Hit List’. The entire world is astonished to see his popularity increasing every day. Still the rogue mindsets are awefully busy in milling the fables. Thanks to ‘Dirty Tricks Department’ of the (anti) Indian (anti) National (Sonia) Congress.
Our present day PM is also a migrant from Pakistan. But what a pity! He has made this country a hell for Hindus due to his slavish mindset as a ‘most obedient servant’ of his Italian Supremo.