ACCORDING to Inquilab (October, 23, 2012), some mischievous elements have planned a new controversy in Jawahar Lal Nehru University. All India Backward Student Forum organized martyr day of Mahisasur on October 29, 2012. Posters had been put up across the university in which Mahisasur was projected as leader of Dalits and criticized Aryans for killing the Dalit leader with the help of Goddess Durga. On these posters, picture of Jharkhand poetess Sushma was also engraved telling that she is descendent of great Mahisasur. President of this organization said that his organization is going to observe this day as shame day because their ancestor was killed on the day.
It was also announced to organize a beef festival in JNU but due to tough stand of the administration, it was not allowed to happen. Last year also it was planned to observe Mahisasur martyr day and a clash had happened between the two groups of students and after that Jitendra Yadav was served a notice by the university administration. A seminar was also planned on martyr day of Mahisasur in which Goddess Durga was subject to attack.