SINCE Shri Guruji emphasised on serving the poor and depressed, the swayamsevaks of Kolhapur in Maharashtra celebrated his birth anniversary by collecting fund for the lepers. They collected Rs 1,22,000 and handed over to Bharatiya Kushtha Nivarak Sangh, Champa, Chhattisgarh. Founder of Bharatiya Kushtha Nivarak Sangh Shri Damodar Ganesh Bapat was present at the function to receive the amount. Vibhag Sanghachalak Shri Appasaheb Daddikar, Zila Sanghachalak Shri Bapu Patil and Dr Harshe were also present on the occasion. Dr Sunil Kumar Lavate, principal of Mahavir Mahavidylaya, Kohlapur was the chief guest on the occasion.