Veteran Vice president of Akhil Bharatiya Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, Roop Singh Bhil passed away in Udaipur on September 10 following a heart attack. He was 75. He is survived by his wife, a son and four daughters. He was cremated in Udaipur the same day.
Born on July 12, 1934 at Bilakh village under Kherwada tehsil of Udaipur district of Rajasthan, Roop Singh Bhil received bachelor degree in 1954 from Maharana Bhupal College. Later he received postgraduate degree in two subjects from Tata Institute of Social Science, Mumbai. He joined Social Welfare Department of Rajasthan Government in 1956. He played a key role in the investigation by the Debhar Commission, which was constituted to study the problems of Vanvasis. He was an active member of Tribal Research and Training Institute, Udaipur for 20 years. His contribution in the land reform campaign is still remembered. He wrote various research articles on the problems of Vanvasis and their solutions. He was honoured for his outstanding services in 1988 by Maharana Sewa Foundation.
After his retirement from the Social Welfare Department as Assistant Director in 1992, he fully dedicated himself for the welfare of Vanvasis and toured the whole country. He ALSO wrote a book on the Vanvasi freedom fighters. He was in Delhi in September 7 to finalise the book, which is being published by Suruchi Prakashan.
Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram president Shri Jagdevram Oraon described Roop Singh Bhil as the real well wisher of Vanvasis. ?Roop Singh Bhil was fully dedicated to the welfare of Vanvasis. He worked on various projects and collected very vital information about Vanvasis. It is not only a loss for the Kalyan Ashram but also for all the Vanvasis,? he added.