Sanskrit can be made simple by leaving Dwivachan in Shabdrupas and using only three tenses for dhaturupas, not using difficult Sandhis, and also leaving out some of the Shabdrupas not commonly used and using plural (for numbers 2 and above) and such Sanskrit can be the National language which can be learnt to speak by any Indian in five days time.
In the midst of the Independence Day and the political drama in Jharkhand the Sanskrit Divas (August 16) was celebrated by the Antarrarshtriya Maithili Parishad (AMP), etc. and in one of such programme at Ranchi it was shown by small kids that they can understand and speak in Sanskrit without any difficulty. The programme unique of its kind was conducted for 90 minutes in Sanskrit, enjoyed by over 60 persons where almost all speakers spoke in Sanskrit.
The beauty of Sanskrit remains in its recall after a long period?when one of the guests there came from Saharsa (where legendary Shankaracharya had debate with Mandan Bharati at Mahishi village) said that Sanskrit encyclopaedia, Amarkosha is unique, I could recall the verses from that book read 44 years back. Even one 5-year old Child Arnav surprised the audience with Gita'sVIII Chapter chanting by memory.
The president of the function Dr. Guneshawar Jha informed that the Deccan College, Pune is publishing third volume of the 10 million words extracted from Vedas which will be the biggest lexicographic work done anywhere as per Indologist, A.L. Basham.
Swami Madhvananada of Chinmay Mission, the chief guest said that Sanskrit has 54 letters and hence, in it the words spoken is written as it is while English being of 26 letters is neither written nor spoken as per alphabets.
There were persons like Sri Swadhin Mukherjee, ex-president, MECON Executive Association who regretted that they could not speak Sanskrit like their father and grandfathers but they would learn it.
But Sanskrit needs simplification unless done that our ancient treasure may not find glory and vast treasure of knowldge of medicine in the books like Charak and Shushruta and in many other sciences will remain unused.
(The writer can be contacted at