Hinduism is not a religion. It is the mother of religions. This freedom of following the path to the God was in grave peril after attack from Islamic marauders. So the almighty appeared in the form of Shivaji the Great to establish the order and protect the suppressed.
The Delhi emperor Aurangzeb moved heaven and earth to capture Shivaji but failed. The emperor used to characterise him as ?a mouse from the mountain?. Many of his generals thought that Shivaji was endowed with mystic powers to disappear and appear, at his will.
Aurangzeb almost lost his sleep over the growing strength of Shivaji, which resulted into expansion of the swaraj of Shivaji'sconcept. So Aurangzeb declared that those of his generals who would capture Shivaji, dead or alive within a span of ten days would get a huge reward plus the senior most position in the council of his ministers.
Shaista Khan who was the bravest general and who happened to be a maternal uncle of Aurangzeb accepted the challenge.
Shaista Khan then straightway proceeded to Maharashtra with a huge and well equipped army of one lakh soldiers. He landed down right in Pune which was almost like a heart of Shivaji'skingdom. Shaista Khan occupied the central palace called Lal Mahal along with his band of begums.
Shivaji was hardly likely to swallow this insult and devilish action of Shaista Khan. He had definite plans to conduct his activities and trap Shivaji and fulfill his vow.
Shivaji'ssoldiers were spirited. But the size of Shivaji'sarmy was restricted and besides Shivaji had to fight with eight Muslim kingdoms surrounding his own. So straight and face to face encounter with the Shaista Khan army was out of question.
Two days passed on. During this period Shaista Khan had broached attacks at certain places. Shivaji'swhereabouts were not known to Shaista Khan in spite of best of his efforts.
On the third day at midnight a marriage procession of one of the richest families went on over the main street of Pune. Hundreds of well dressed men and women participated in the procession. Drums, shahanai, cymbals and so many musical instruments were played therein. It was no doubt a worth seeing sight.
Shivaji and five of his smart and trusted lieutenants disguised themselves and like ordinary well dressed persons joined the rich marriage procession.
The procession reached the Lal Mahal region. Shaista Khan was almost asleep in the company of his begums. The doorkeepers were dozing.
Slowly and quietly Shivaji and his lieutenants separated themselves from the procession one by one. They entered the Lal Mahal palace one after the other as previously planned. They drove away the doorkeepers swiftly after causing a few injuries to them with their swords. With a speed of lightening they entered into the special rooms putting off the candles. Shaista Khan was the sole target of Shivaji. Neither Shaista Khan nor his begums, nor his servants knew what was happening. Shaista Khan in his bedroom robe cried loudly ya Allah, daga, daga, bachao with a view to save himself from the deadly attack he tried to elope. Shivaji was chasing him closely. Shivaji struck a deadly blow at the Shaista Khan who was speeding out through the door. Shaista Khan ran with a tremendous speed with the effect that even though he could escape, he had to loose four fingers of his right hand as they got chopped away with the stroke of the sharp blade of Shivaji'ssword.
The stroke put the entire right hand of Shaista Khan completely out of use for the rest of his life.
With wounded hand and with head down this maternal uncle of Aurangzeb had to return to Delhi along with his huge army.
Aurangzeb was red with anger after hearing the account of shameful defeat of Shaista Khan, right in his house.
Aurangzeb said, ?I really feel ashamed to call you my maternal uncle. Go, get lost. You don'tdeserve to become the general of my army.?