Managing one'slife?professional, family and social?without stress or tension is an art and accomplishment, calling for a positive outlook, peaceful mind, commitment to whatever one undertakes and certain qualities of the mind and heart. All this needs constant vigil, training and assiduous practice on which lessons are not imparted in the modern educational system.
Written by a member of the Indian Administration Service, this book draws largely on self-study and felt experiences of one who had the opportunity to perform challenging and administrative, judicial and developmental, functions linked essentially to the well-being and happiness of the masses. The book thus covers a wide area of subjects, such as integrity, time management, assets management, interpersonal relationships, motivation, communication and personal well-being. He is right in saying that when we are well into the 21st century, the society has become very complex and so has its expectations from managers in different fields. Therefore today'smanagers need more foresight, dynamism, flexibility and transparency. He adds, ?Our vision too requires more expansion and the fact is to be realised that in an interconnected society, the individual'swelfare lies in the overall welfare of the society.? As such, this calls for integrity, compassion, accessibility, knowledge, fearlessness and other humane qualities. He questions that when E. Sreedharan could successfully handle complicated projects like the Konkan Railway and the Delhi Metro, then why can'tothers do the same? He himself gives the reply, ?It is mainly a question of planning our resources well, whether it is knowledge, intellect, talent, men, money, machinery or moments. Those who understand the power of planning do well everywhere and that too without any stress.? Thus according to him, stress-free management is essentially a matter of proper understanding of the core values of life and their correct application in our work and working style.
The author suggests that one should spend according to a budget or a plan and exercise restraint over his/her desires, while spending wisely on essential personal and social needs. One'stime should also be planned so that due attention is given to biological time, business time and social time. Furthermore, in any organisation, as man is the most important resource, his motivation should be given due attention and so should meetings be planned well where everyone, big or small, is given an opportunity to voice his grievance, complaint or suggestion. A good administrator thus needs to give full and impartial attention to official documents, effective touring, appraisal of subordinates, in a way that it helps to build up the organisation, efficient use of telephones, organising of conferences, be transparent and honour the right to information, meeting visitors, organising court work and legal cases, disposing of files, making effective speeches, maintaining relations with the media, attending to personal affairs, health, mental stress, avoiding anger and developing an integrated personality. The author concludes by stressing on the development of a positive mindset because a positive thinker invariably remains motivated, irrespective of what he gets from the outer world. ?Such persons change things for the better not only for themselves, but for others too,? concludes the author.