Shri Dina Nath Batra, national convenor of Shiksha Bachao Andolan Samiti has advised the parents to awake and reject the unpatriotic and anti-Hindu textbooks being provided to their children by the UPA government. He was speaking at the state convention of Shiksha Bachao Andolan Samiti in Aligarh on May 16. Shri Batra invited educationists to prepare a national plan of education from primary classes to the highest level. Highlighting the distortions from the books and the objectionable comments about Sikhs, Jats, Jains, Arya Samaj and even the freedom fighters, Shri Batra said such teachings will never make the students patriotic and proud of their culture, religion and history. More than 1000 lawyers, teachers, doctors, industrialists, and educationists participated in the convention.
Shri Batra said before Independence, the educationists, political leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Rajendra Babu, Dr Syama Prasad Mukerjee, and social workers shouted at the top of their voice against the English as medium of instruction and Macaulay'ssystem of education. They were sure that after Independence, our government would take steps to cut the shackles of English and Macaulay'seducation from the Indian education system. But it was not done and even after 56 years of adopting the Constitution, these two are not only continuing but are thriving.
He said Pt Nehru was fond of Marxism and therefore, soon after the death of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, he inducted leftists from the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) in the Ministry of Education, University Grant Commission and other important educational institutions like NCERT under the leadership of Dr Nurul Hassan. Education of India became a citadel of leftists who introduced anti-Hindu, pro-Muslim, pro-Marxist and pro-English ideas and systems in Indian education. This adversely influenced the quality of our educated youth, he added. ?To correct these vices, the Shiksha Bachao Andolan Samiti was formed in Delhi with branches all over India. He explained how the Hindu culture, Hindu dharma and great personalities of the country have been run down and Islam, Islamic culture and their leaders have been praised in the books,? he added.
Shri G.C. Saxena, former Vice-Chancellor of Dr B.R. Ambedkar University said the leftist educationists point out a distorted picture of the past. They say that except the invention of zero, no other invention was done by our ancestors. He said if India gets zero patented then it would have earned billions per year as no computer and information technology can work without it.
Eminent personalities present at the function were Prof. K.S. Saxena, Dr Tarun Sharma, Shri Param Jeet Singh, Shri Ashutosh Varshney, Dr V.N. Kaushik, Dr S.S. Gupta, former Vice-Chancellor, Dr S.N. Misra, Shri Vimal Khimani, Dr Subodh Mishra and Dr K.L. Gupta etc. (FOC)