In Uttar Pradesh’s Bijnor district, an inquiry ordered by the District Magistrate (DM) has verified the allegations against a school teacher who was accused of removing the tilak from the foreheads of Hindu students. The investigation has confirmed the validity of these claims, prompting disciplinary action against the teacher involved.
बिजनौर : स्कूल में मुस्लिम टीचर का मजहबी फरमान का मामला
NEWS1इंडिया की खबर का हुआ बड़ा असर
मंदिर में मजहबी फरमान सुनाने वाली शिक्षिका पर गिरी BSA की गाज,शिक्षिका आयशा को किया सस्पेंड
मुस्लिम शिक्षिका ने हिन्दू छात्रों को तिलक न लगाने का दिया था फरमान@basicshiksha_up #Bijnor
— News1India (@News1IndiaTweet) August 26, 2024
After videos surfaced on social media on August 24 showing teacher Tanveer Ayesha removing tilak from students’ foreheads, DM Ankit Kumar Agarwal constituted a three-member committee to investigate the matter. Following the committee’s confirmation of the allegations, Tanveer Ayesha and fellow teacher Usha were suspended, while Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari and Rajendra Kumar faced a denial of their annual increment for one year.
“All four teachers have been transferred to different schools, and new teachers will be appointed soon,” DM Agarwal informed about the incident in Bhanera village, Kiratpur block. Additionally, Ansari is accused of instructing Muslim students to pray in a mosque during school hours, while Usha is alleged to have removed caps from Muslim students’ heads in the aftermath of the tilak controversy.
Uttar Pradesh: In Bijnor's government school, a Muslim teacher allegedly mandated Muslim students to wear caps but prohibited Hindu students from wearing tilak, leading to complaints. Accusations include erasing tilaks and forcing Muslim students to attend Friday prayers. An…
— IANS (@ians_india) August 24, 2024
“The teachers were promoting racialism within the school, which posed a serious threat to young minds, leading to disciplinary action,” said Yogendra Kumar, Basic Education Officer of Bijnor. In response, Ayesha has refuted the allegations of removing Tilak, stating, “I have been teaching in Government schools for 18 years with an unblemished record.”
Students had lodged complaints against Ayesha, prompting parents to storm the school and protest against Acting Principal Kumar, accusing him of failing to take any action.