Star Indian archer Sheetal Devi, a 17-year-old from India made a resounding statement at her debut in the Paris Paralympics. Competing in the Women’s Individual Compound Archery event, Sheetal, the only female international archer who shoots without arms, broke the world record with an astonishing score of 703 out of 720. Her extraordinary achievement has set the stage for what promises to be one of the most inspiring stories of the Games.
Sheetal’s performance in the qualification round was nothing short of remarkable. As she stepped onto the archery field in Paris, she carried the weight of high expectations. Her journey to this point had already been filled with numerous challenges, but on this day, she was determined to prove that she belonged among the world’s best.
The previous world record for the Women’s Individual Compound Archery stood at 698 points. As Sheetal began her round, she quickly established herself as a contender for the top spot, her arrows consistently hitting their mark with precision. With each shot, her confidence grew, and by the time she reached her final attempt, she had already surpassed the previous world record. The crowd watched in awe as Sheetal’s score climbed to 703, a new world record.
However, the excitement did not end there. Just moments after Sheetal had set the new record, Turkey’s Curuklu Girdi, competing in the same event, delivered a flawless final series to score 704 points, narrowly surpassing Sheetal by a single point. Despite this, Sheetal secured the second position in the overall ranking round, a tremendous achievement that places her in a strong position for the Round of 32, where she will continue her quest for Paralympic glory.
Sheetal’s Journey to the Paralympics
Sheetal Devi’s journey to the Paralympics is a testament to her resilience and determination. Born in a small village in Jammu and Kashmir with phocomelia, a rare congenital condition that left her without arms, Sheetal faced challenges that most people could not imagine. Yet, from a young age, she displayed an indomitable spirit, a trait that would become the cornerstone of her success.
Her early years were marked by a love for climbing trees and engaging in physical activities, despite her disability. It was during a youth event in 2021 that Indian Army coaches first noticed her potential. Recognising her raw athleticism and fierce determination, they took her under their wing and introduced her to the world of para-archery.
Initially, there were attempts to use prosthetics, but Sheetal found them cumbersome and limiting. It was then that her coaches, inspired by Matt Stutzman, the armless archer who won a silver medal at the London 2012 Paralympics, decided to train her using her legs and feet. This unconventional approach required immense patience and perseverance, but Sheetal was undeterred.
Within just a year of dedicated training, Sheetal began to make waves on the international stage. In 2022, she competed in the Asian Para Games, where she won two gold medals and a silver, announcing her arrival as a force to be reckoned with. Her success continued in 2023 at the World Archery Para Championships in the Czech Republic, where she won a silver medal, securing a quota for India at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. By the time she arrived in Paris, Sheetal was the top-ranked archer globally in the compound open women’s division.
Sheetal’s achievements have not only made her a star in the archery world but also a symbol of hope and inspiration for millions. Her success at such a young age has been celebrated across India, a country where para-sports are rapidly gaining recognition and support.
Her coaches, Abhilasha Chaudhary and Kuldeep Vedwan, have played crucial roles in her development, guiding her through the technical and mental aspects of the sport. Their decision to train her without prosthetics, though unconventional, has paid off in ways they could have only imagined. Together, they have transformed Sheetal into a world-class athlete, capable of competing at the highest level.
Sheetal’s journey has also been supported by her fellow archer Romica Sharma, who has been a constant presence by her side. Romica assists Sheetal with daily tasks and provides emotional support during competitions, helping to create a supportive environment that has allowed Sheetal to focus solely on her performance.
In recognition of her extraordinary achievements, Sheetal was awarded the Arjuna Award in January 2024, one of India’s highest honors for sportspeople. This accolade was a testament to her hard work, dedication, and the impact she has had on the para-sports community in India.
India’s Paralympic Contingent in Paris
As the Paris Paralympics continue, India’s athletes are making their mark in various events. In addition to Sheetal’s record-breaking performance, other Indian archers have also delivered impressive results. Sarita Devi, competing in the same category as Sheetal, scored 682 points in the qualification round, securing ninth place in the standings. This strong performance positions her well for the upcoming elimination rounds.
In the men’s individual compound archery event, Rakesh Kumar scored 696 points, earning him fifth place in the rankings. Meanwhile, Shyam Sundar Swami secured 688 points, finishing 15th. In the men’s individual recurve archery, Harvinder Singh delivered a solid performance, scoring 637 points to finish in ninth place.
This year, India has sent its largest-ever contingent to the Paralympics, with 84 athletes competing across 12 sports. The expansion of India’s para-sports ecosystem is evident, and the country is aiming to surpass its previous achievements at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics, where Indian athletes won a record 19 medals, including five golds, eight silvers, and six bronzes.