In Udaipur, Rajasthan, a severe incident unfolded when a Muslim student fatally stabbed his Hindu classmate, who succumbed to his injuries after four days in the hospital. Ayan Shiekh attacked his 10th-grade classmate, Devraj, with a knife during a heated exchange. The situation turned dire as Devraj was rushed to MB Hospital for treatment, where he remained in critical condition. Despite the best efforts of the medical team, Devraj succumbed to his injuries on the night of Raksha Bandhan, a day meant for celebrating the bond between siblings.
Despite the seriousness of the crime, the media outlet ‘The Wire’ has downplayed the event, misleadingly describing it merely as an ‘injury’ rather than acknowledging it as a murder. This portrayal minimises the gravity of the situation, especially considering the victim’s funeral was held under heavy security and attended by thousands of mourners. However, ‘The Wire’ continues to describe the incident as an ‘injury’ and even focuses on expressing the attacker’s family’s ‘sorrow’ over the situation.
The controversy deepened when it was revealed that part of the attacker’s family’s home was constructed on land owned by the forest department. Consequently, the home was demolished by bulldozers. ‘The Wire’ reported this development with the headline: “Is this justice? The minor son of a tenant injures a classmate, and the auto driver’s house is demolished by bulldozers.” By framing the murder as an ‘injury,’ the outlet has arguably diminished the severity of the crime and accused Hindu organisations of attempting to communalise the issue.
Further complicating the narrative, ‘The Wire’ asserted that the conflict between the two Class 10 students only took on a ‘communal’ character following protests by Hindu organisations. The outlet referenced a statement from the District Magistrate dated August 16, which inaccurately claimed that the student’s condition was stable and characterized the incident as a mere children’s dispute. This statement was issued just before the victim passed away, and ‘The Wire’ failed to update its report to reflect the new developments. Additionally, ‘The Wire’ attributed the bulldozer demolition to protests by Hindu organizations, suggesting that these groups were responsible for the action.
On the day of the stabbing, around 10:30 AM during the lunch break at school, the Muslim student attacked his Hindu classmate with a knife multiple times. The brutal attack triggered widespread unrest, leading to the closure of shops in several areas and a 24-hour internet shutdown. In response to the incident, the local education department enforced a ban on knives and other sharp objects in schools and ordered searches of students’ bags to prevent further violence.
The tragic incident has reignited discussions around justice in Udaipur, particularly in light of the unresolved Kanhaiyalal case. Devraj’s family, along with many others in the community, continue to demand the death penalty for Ayan, the accused. However, the path to justice remains uncertain, as the memories of past injustices linger in the minds of the people of Udaipur.