The District Magistrate of Kanpur, Rakesh Singh, has initiated a formal investigation following the sudden appearance of three female students wearing hijabs at a government inter-college in the Bilhaur area, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. This development, which has sparked concerns about adherence to the institution’s dress code, led to Singh directing Sub-District Magistrate (SDM) Rashmi Lamba to probe the incident and submit a detailed report by August 17, 2024.
The investigation will centre on three key questions: whether the students had been enrolled at the college prior to this incident and if they voluntarily chose to wear the hijabs; whether the students were aware of the college’s dress code policy; and whether any external influence was involved in encouraging the students to wear the hijab in defiance of the college regulations.
The incident first came to light on August 3, 2024, when three Muslim girls arrived at the government inter-college wearing hijabs, contrary to the established dress code. Their appearance drew the attention of a teacher, identified as Jyoti, who reprimanded them and insisted that they adhere to the uniform policy. Despite the warning, the students continued to wear hijabs, asserting that they would do so even if it meant expulsion from the college.
The matter was subsequently escalated to the college principal, Surjeet Singh Yadav, who took a firm stance. The students, standing by their decision, provided a written statement to the principal, reiterating their intent to wear the hijab regardless of any potential disciplinary action. In response, Principal Yadav enforced a strict ban on the entry of students wearing anything other than the prescribed uniform.
In a bid to resolve the issue, Principal Yadav also contacted the parents of the three students. According to sources, the parents acknowledged the violation and assured the principal that their daughters would henceforth attend college in the proper uniform as required by the institution.
The ongoing investigation, ordered by the Kanpur District Magistrate, will shed light on the circumstances surrounding this case and determine if any further actions are necessary. The findings of the investigation are expected to be pivotal in ensuring compliance with the college’s regulations while addressing the broader implications of such incidents in educational institutions.
In late 2021, the Hijab row began in Karnataka when a group of Muslim students at the Government PU College for Girls in Udupi district were barred from attending classes for wearing hijabs, which the school administration claimed violated the institution’s uniform policy. The incident quickly escalated, sparking protests both in support of and against the students.
As the controversy grew, it spread to other educational institutions across Karnataka, leading to a statewide debate on religious freedom, secularism, and the right to education. The Karnataka High Court was eventually drawn into the issue, and in March 2022, it upheld the state’s decision, ruling that wearing the hijab was not an essential religious practice in Islam and that educational institutions had the authority to enforce uniform dress codes.