Following Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s visit to a 12-year-old girl who was gangraped and impregnated, the district administration initiated bulldozer action. On August 3 the administration sent a bulldozer to the bakery of accused, Moid Khan. The Samajwadi Party (SP) leader is the primary accused in the gang rape case involving the minor.
On August 3, the Food Adulteration Department sealed the bakery and began demolition procedures.
SDM Sohawal, Ashok Kumar, explained, “The bakery was shut down for operating illegally, and we have now initiated the process to demolish it.” Several other properties of the accused might be demolished.
#WATCH | Uttar Pradesh | A bulldozer with the police force arrives at the bakery of SP leader Moeed Khan, the main accused in the gang rape of a minor girl, in Ayodhya.
"The bakery has been sealed after it was found illegal and action to demolish the bakery is being initiated",…
— ANI (@ANI) August 3, 2024
On August 2, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath met with the minor girl who was gangraped by two duo in Ayodhya.
Following the meeting, Station House Officer (SHO) Ratan Sharma of Purakalandar police station and Akhilesh Gupta, in charge of Bhadarsha outpost, were suspended for their delay in conducting the investigation.
Bakery owner Moid Khan and his employee Raju Khan were arrested from the Purakalandar area on July 30, in connection with the case.
As reported earlier, the mother of the minor victim told police that, the minor was raped almost six months ago and was recorded. The case came to light after a recent medical examination revealed that the teenager was two months pregnant.
Speaking in the state assembly on August 1, Yogi Adityanath asserted that Moid Khan is affiliated with the Samajwadi Party. “Moid Khan is from the Samajwadi Party and a member of the Ayodhya MP’s team. He has been found involved in a case of rape of a 12-year-old. The Samajwadi Party has not taken action against him,” he said.
Notably, both Khan and Rahu have been arrested. Apart from the rape many revelations have been made around this case from land encroachments to irregularities.
However, Khan who is named a close aide of newly elected Member of Parliament from Faizabad, Awadhesh Prasad, was reportedly shielded by officials for his political affiliations. After the rape, neither Prasad not the party supremo Akhilesh Yadav has said anything in the matter. The whole opposition and the I.N.D.I Alliance is also mum.
Police teams have been scrutinized all the properties owned by Khan amidst allegations of illegal encroachments not just of the government land but those belonging to the Dalit community.
In the current matter, the minor belongs to Jatav caste. It was only after the members from the Jatav party and other Hindu organisations protested, police registered the case.
#WATCH | On SP leader Moeed Khan, the main accused in the gang rape of a minor girl, UP Minister and Nishad Party chief Sanjay Nishad says, "Akhilesh Yadav's PDA is a lie… Those who raise the slogans of PDA and feel proud of the fact that they won in Ayodhya, it seems that they…
— ANI UP/Uttarakhand (@ANINewsUP) August 3, 2024
On SP leader Moid Khan, the main accused in the gang rape of a minor girl, UP Minister and Nishad Party chief Sanjay Nishad says, “Akhilesh Yadav’s PDA is a lie… Those who raise the slogans of PDA and feel proud of the fact that they won in Ayodhya, it seems that they have won with the help of these criminals… They are protecting the criminal, neither they are expelling him from the party nor saying anything against the accused. Today, I have raised this issue in the House and till date I make sure that he gets hanged, I will stand by the victim. I thank the CM that he has taken cognisance and has taken action. I just hope that how I can protect my community…”