This came after the Congress leader offered ‘sewa’ after paying obeisance at the Golden Temple, earlier in the day. As a part of the sewa, Rahul was seen washing dishes at the Golden Temple. In an attempt to remind Rahul Gandhi that his grandmother, former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, ordered a military operation at the Golden Temple, Sarma took to the social media platform, X, and said, “Grandmother sprayed bullets and grandchild is doing sewa. This is called Mohabbat ki Dukaan.”
The Congress launched Operation Blue Star between June 1-6, 1984. It was commanded by the Indian Army to remove separatists who were in hiding at the Golden Temple at Amritsar.
The Indian military entered the premises of the temple to drive out the Sikh extremist religious leader, Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and his armed followers. The operation was ordered by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, primarily to take control of the Harmandir Sahib Complex in Amritsar (popularly known as the Golden Temple) where Bhindranwale supporters had stashed a large number of arms.
The operation was heavily criticised by many Sikhs. Months later, PM Gandhi was assassinated by two of her Sikh bodyguards for permitting the operation.