The Gautam Buddha Nagar Police seem to have busted what appears to be an alleged Chinese spying network in Noida. On June 14th, Police raided a property in Gharbara village, which was said to be a Chinese-only club. Almost 20 Chinese nationals unlawfully living in India utilized this club as a haven.
According to the media reports, the raid happened after the intelligence report from the Sashatra Seema Bal had apprehended two Chinese nationals on the Indo-Nepal border. After questioning them, it was discovered that the two were residing with acquaintances in a village in the Noida suburbs.
Later from the Information, the Gautam Budh Nagar police raided a hotel in Gurugram where Chinese national Xue Fei (36) aka Kelay-a resident of Xinji, Hebei, and Petekhrinuo (22), a native of Kohima, Nagaland was arrested.
According to the Deputy Commissioner of Police (Greater Noida), Meenakshi Katayayan, 15 to 20 Chinese nationals fled as soon as they heard about the police operation, but six women were detained.
Noida Police learned during the investigation that Fei’s Chinese passport expired in 2019, and he had been residing in India unlawfully since then. Later, Fei got an Indian passport which was granted by the Kolkata regional passport office using the bogus name ‘Kelay’.
A currency-note counting machine has also been recovered from raid. The investigation teams are therefore checking for a fake currency racket operating via the Nepal route. The machine’s recovery points towards the huge cash that used to be transacted in the club.