182 Kilogram of Hashish Oil and Cannabis worth Rs 2.5 Crore were seized by the excise team in the Malappuram district in Kerala. The drugs were kept hidden at a place owned by on Suhail. The excise team raided the premise at six in the morning. : Hameed, Ali, Sharafuddin and Jamshad have been arrested in connection with the case.
The drug peddlers confessed that the drugs were brought in from Andhra Pradesh. They were selling 10 ml hashish oil for Rs 3000 and Rs 75,000 for a litre. It is now known that these four drug peddlers have been engaged in this business since years. They also said that they use petty agents for drug distribution.
This seizure and arrest came at a time when there is huge debate going on in Kerala about ‘Narco Jihad’ and Islamists trying to ruin the lives of non-Muslims by giving them drugs and indulging in Love Jihad.