Miscreants allegedly threw combustible material or inflammable chemical coated to set ablaze BJP advocate’s office shows zero tolerance for adversaries in Tamil Nadu. Another critic of DMK has been arrested for quoting late poet Bharathidasan’s article. He was booked under various sections. By misusing police machinery, the DMK government is trying to stifle the voices of opposition, critics. Attacks, threats over the phone by rowdy elements, and DMK and alliance party cadres are increasing day by day.
BJP legal wing secretary and official spokesperson who takes part in TV debates, Aswathaman has an office in Lingi Chetty Street, just opposite to the High Court. When the court was closed because of lockdown, he went to his native place, Kallakurichi. The office was closed on April 24 this year. After recovering from COVID-19, he came back to Chennai and visited the office on Monday evening. When he opened the office, he was shocked to see the entire office room was filled with a thick sheet of black smoke.
Billows of black smoke emanated from the closed office. He immediately put on the lights to see the damage. Advocate Illayaraja and Jaganathan who came thereafter receiving the news told the correspondent that the files, documents, books stored in it are not damaged as the cupboards were made up of Gypsum boards. There were thick layers of smoke everywhere. The wooden desks, computers, ceiling fans, printing, and Xerox machines were damaged in the fire. Aswathaman has a studio to air his views on all matters affecting the society, political issues through the youtube channel was completely damaged. We saw the sliding window in the back of the multistory building was open. We found a small motor on the floor. The smoke settled on our dresses, making them black. Aswathaman said “No such motor in my office. There was no electrical short circuit. It could be a handy work of miscreants who were unhappy with my views on the ruling party, anti-national outfits.”.
Police and Fire department officials with forensic experts visited the spot and collected the samples to identify the source of fire, chemicals. Officials suspect that after sparking the fire, some unidentified substance put on the motor was thrown. It should have happened three to four days ago. The fire department has recommended the police launch an investigation. In its reports, it said the fire mishap was not an accident. “It was an attempt to set fire to the office. The unknown chemical was not traceable by us. The forensic officials are working on it”, the report says.
BJP Chief L Murugan visited the office to see himself the damages caused. A team of advocates led BJP legal wing president RC Paul Kanagaraj, including Aswathaman, his advocate friends, met the DGP to take action against the culprits. He assured the delegation of quick action.
Advocate Illyaraja and Jaganathan said, “it is like the one that occurred four months ago in Aranthangi. A local school could conduct RSS meets. A group of Muslims allegedly used the same method and set fire to the school. We suspect the hands of DMK, VCK, and Muslims in the Chennai incident, as Aswathaman was active in taking bail of BJP, Hindu Munnani, VHP cadres. In TV debates, he was forthright in setting things right by expressing views that were indigestible to the present rulers, VCK, Abrahamic elements, and left parties. Someone familiar with the building and its design should have done this to warn Aswathaman to keep away from making views, or actions against them. We strongly believe Muslims, who are experts in bomb-making like pipe, cooker, tiffin box, and other types could be behind the attack. We hope the police will soon arrest them. They are have taken the CCTV recordings from the building”.
In a related development, on 14th June Shankar Nagar police arrested social media commentator and TV debater Kishore K Swamy based on a complaint from the coordinator of DMK IT Wing, Kancheepuram district in a midnight operation. In the complaint on June 10, the coordinator said, Swamy was circulating abusive and defamatory comments against the former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister. In his recent post, Kishore K Swamy expressed his vehement opposition to the DMK government announcement to permit women priests to perform pooja in temples. (Woman priests. Lol, what is next? Marriage ceremonies where the women will tie the knot and men will wear the thali thread. And these are to be considered progressive? Lmao). He was arrested for circulating defamatory videos and comments against Chief Minister M K Stalin, former CMs, DMK, and later leader C N Annadurai and M Karunanidhi. Swamy circulated videos containing abusive, and defamatory remarks against the leaders, and shared them on social media, according to the complaint.
Swamy's arrest evoked has strong condemnation from BJP and netizens. Outraged netizens accused MK Stalin, the incumbent Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, and other DMK officials of attempting to silence dissenting voices in the state. Dance master Gayathri Raguram of BJP tweeted that “entire DMK speaking badly about particular caste Brahmins and now they are against Devendra Kula vellalars, when they call opposition leaders as Dogs, bad smell and disrespect women when there is no action/arrest on these people, why only on a common man. Is law only for common Man?”. In another tweet, she said, “no one can force anyone to like or follow DMK. We cannot accept dictatorship. When you can talk walk as you wish, please expect the same back. Arresting a man for calling a spade a spade is this democracy? DMK threatening and arresting all Hindus.
BJP functionary Mahesh tweeted “I denounce the arrest of #KishoreKswamhy by the fascist DMK regime. If this yardstick is applied, most DMK guys should be behind bars for their abusive posts.”
“The police action is one-sided. The police dare not to touch Dravida Kazhagam leader Veeramani for his anti-Hindu rant, disparaging remarks on Gods, VCK leader Thirumavalavan for making abusive and fiery attacks on gods and calling Hindu are all prostitutes, chine lyricist Vairamuthu’s derogatory remark on saint Andal, MK Stalin calling PM Modi as ‘thief’ in Rafel scam issue, Muslim fundamentalists open threat to kill PM and Home Minister, spreading false and manipulated news through pro-government Tamil channels. Complaints given by BJP, Hindu Munnani, VHP are kept in cold storage.
Only Hindu leaders like Kalaynaraman, and others are being arrested by the authorities. It is not only DMK but also its predecessor AIADMK that did the same. In Coimbatore, SDPI and PFI cadres who poorly portrayed PM were let scot-free, but Kalanyaraman, who protested, was arrested, and they slapped Goondas Act on him. Another youth, who had smeared a saffron painting on the Periyar statue, was booked under NSA. Christian preachers who make a scathing attack on Hinduism and gods are not touched. Why this partiality? Kishore K Swamy only reproduced the pages written by Dravidian poet Bharathidasan on Annadurai.”, said Jaikrishna. “It is an irony that the DMK, its allies, who are claiming the champion of freedom of expression, have zero tolerance to the criticism when others make. They view it as an exclusive privilege for them. It is nothing but stifles the opposition voices. Even before the elections, Udhayanidhi Stalin and other DMK leaders openly spoke that after assuming power, Kishore K Swamy, vlogger Maridas and others would be given a fitting lesson. They are now doing what they said earlier. Soon Tamil Nadu will become West Bengal, Kerala way where the opposition has no freedom to express, write and speak against the government."
Meanwhile, Tamil actress Rohini has complained to the Commissioner of Police. In her complaint, Rohini alleged Kishore had misrepresented herself and her late ex-husband, actor Raghuvaran, on Facebook in 2014. See his 2019 tweet to know her background and why she has made a complaint now against him.
Kishore K Swamy, who is a known supporter of the AIDMK and the BJP, has been arrested for the third time. He is an acerbic critic of DMK.