MUMBAI: Maharashtra is being affected the most by the latest wave of Corona infection. Little wonder, Corona cases have swelled rapidly. Due to the lockdown, life has come to a standstill. As a result, many migrant workers have started preparing to return to their homes in small towns and villages.
The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has extended a hand to assist these workers in myriad ways. Around ten thousand litres of drinking water bottles were distributed on April 14 and 19 by 20 VHP workers at Kurla Terminus. Keeping in view a large number of migrant labourers and the maintenance of hygiene in these places, nine mobile toilets have been arranged. These portable toilets will be helpful to workers, particularly women.
Last year, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Janakalyan Samiti, Keshavrishti, My Green Society, Seva Sahyog, Sevankur, Niramaya Seva Sanstha, Arogya Bharati and Samidha had assisted migrant workers in various forms. Food packets, ration, decoction and other assistance were also distributed. Today, once again, Corona has affected the country with greater intensity Institutions related to the Sangh have also come forward to help. Plasma donations, arrangement of food for quarantined families, oxygen concentrator and beds are being arranged.
One thousand swayamsevaks are engaged in service work to help the public at the receiving end
of Coronavirus.