Nagpur: “We all are in the process of learning and this journey never ends. Sangh Shiksha Varg Trutiya Varsh is a great opportunity to learn various aspects of the RSS. This Varg should become a golden period of our life,” said RSS Sahsarkaryavah Shri Dattatreya Hosbale while speaking at the inaugural function of the Sangh Shiksha Varg at Dr Hedgewar Smriti Mandir premises, Reshimbag. A total of 914
swayamsevaks from across India are participating in the Varg. The Varg will conclude on June 8, 2017.
Shri Hosbabale said, “It is a dream of every swayamsevak to participate in this Varg. You all are fortunate that you got this opportunity. This Varg has special significance because it is held at a place where the founder of RSS Dr Hedgewar, the second RSS Sarsanghachalak Shri Guruji have actually worked with thousands of swayamsevaks making this place divine. We get a true national perspective in this Varg as we live with participants from across the nation. Today, there is great curiosity among the people about RSS. When renowned industrialist Shri Ratan Tata visited this premises, he was curious to know how a Shakha functions. Thus, people have great expectations about RSS and we all should live up to their expectations.”
Dr Prithivraj Singh, Sarvadhikari of the Varg, welcomed all the participants and expected that they will make the best of this training. Shri Anil Oke, Palak Adhikari of the Varg, emphasised the idea behind the training. Citing the example from Mahabharata, he said, “Today’s circumstances are like Kurukshetra and this training is to reinstall the right values in the society. He said there is a difference between the value and price. A value is set by paying the appropriate price. Shi Ram set the value of an ‘ideal son’ by paying the price of 14 years of exile. So, if you have to install right values in the society, you will have to pay the price of these 25 days of your life. Let’s
dedicate these days for the cause of the nation.”
RSS Sah Sarkaryavah Shri V Bhagayya introduced the participants to various Adhikaris. Akhil Bharatiya Bauddhik Pramukh Shri Swant Ranjan, Akhil Bharatiya Sah Bauddhik Pramukh Shri Mukund, Akhil Bharatiya Sharirik Pramukh Shri Sunil Kulkarni, Akhil Bharatiya Sah Sharirik Pramukh Shri Jagdish Prasad, Akhil Bharatiya Vyavastha Pramukh Shri Mangesh Bhende, Akhil Bharatiya Sewa Pramukh Shri Parag Abhyankar and Akhil Bharatiya Kutumb Prabodhan Pramukh Shri Subramanyam were present on the occasion.
Gorakhpur Prant Sah Sanghachalak Dr Prithviraj Singh is Sarvadhikari of the Varg. Telangana Sah Prant Karyavah and Dakshin Madhya Kshetra Bauddhik Pramukh Shri Ramesh Kacham is the Karyavah. Jodhpur Prant Sharirik Pramukh Shri Ganga Vishnu is Mukhya Shikshak. Avadh Prant Sharirik Pramukh Shri Akhilesh is Sah Mukhya Shikshak. Paschim Kshetra Bauddhik Pramukh Shri Ravindra Kirkole is the Bauddhik Pramukh. Mahakoshal Sah Prant Karyavah Shri Sunil Deo is Sah Bauddhik Pramukh. Purvi Uttar Pradesh Kshetra Seva Pramukh Shri Naval Kishore is Sewa Shikshan Pramukh.
TN Minister joins RSS Sewa activity
Dharmapuri: Tamil Nadu’s Minister for Higher Education Shri KP Anbhazhagan inaugurated the Maha Sewa activity of RSS at the ongoing training camp. RSS Sewa Vibhag of Dharmapuri training camp planned for a Maha Sewa programme involving the trainees of the camp. During the Maha Sewa the volunteers cleaned the Dharmapuri Bus Stand and appealed to the local people to join hands for keeping the area clean. Although the local municipality carries on the work, the Minister appreciated the participation of the RSS volunteers from different walks of the society and urged the public to participate. Prant Sewa Pramukh Shri Ramarajasekar addressed the gathering. Kshetra Sharirik Pramukh Shri OK Mohan, Dharmapuri RSS Varg Adhikari Shri Sankarlal, Varg Karyavah Shri Mohan and Varg Palak Shri Sethuraman also participated in the event.
SCs were Kshatriyas about 500 years back
Lucknow: National organising secretary of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad Shri Vinayakrao Deshpande said there were no caste system in India about 1,000 years back. One find the mention of castes only after the 12 century. He said those who were Kashatriyas about 500 years back are now treated as Scheduled Castes. It is the big question how the Kshatriyas became SCs, Shri Deshpande said while speaking at a function
organised on May 14. Shri Deshpande described the present SCs as Dharmayoddha who fought against the Mughal invaders. He said there are many communities living in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, etc who fought against the Mughals. They decided to live in forests but did not accept the slavery of Mughals. He demanded to add a chapter on Maharaja Suheldev in textbooks of the schools. State Chief Minister Yogi Adiyanath who was also present on the occasion supported the demand.
Arogya Bharati firm on ‘Garbh Sanskar’
Bhopal: Commenting on the recent controversy over Garbh Sanskar practice reported in a section of the media, the Arogya Bharati said in a press statement issued on May 11 that it is making
humble attempts to establish Garbh Sanskar practice everywhere in the
society. “Garbh Sanskar” is a Vedic maternity practice. Our distinguished spiritual ancestors developed this practice to have a child with great
character and unparalleled abilities. Veer Abhimanyu and Bhakt Prahlad are the great prodigies of this practice. Modern science too endorses the positive effects of appropriate food, behaviour, verbiage and contemplation on a pregnant woman,” said Arogya Bharati national executive president Dr Ramesh Gautam in a statement issued on May 11.
“Arogya Bharati is a pan India voluntary organisation working in the area of health care. It derives its motivation from the Bharatiya
philosophy on health care. Through
various awareness programmes on healthcare, it is working towards
creating a healthy nation. For common masses, Arogya Bharati is running some programmes on “Garbh Sanskar”
(worshipping of womb during
pregnancy) for healthy child delivery. Unfortunately, some media houses are running a derogatory campaign to malign such programmes of Arogya Bharati. Numerous articles in print and electronic media are trying to create an impression that such programmes are not tuned towards better child delivery but fair child delivery thus giving a racist colour to such programmes. It is not our culture to discriminate on the basis of skin colour. It is a preconceived conspiracy to demean Arogya Bharati by drawing comparisons between Arogya Bharati programmes and German racism. Arogya Bharati strongly condemns all such acts of aspersions,”
Following Arogya Bharati’s programme on Garbh Sanskar in Calcutta from May 6 to 8 West Bengal Commission for Protection of Child Rights filed a PIL in Calcutta High Court seeking ban on the programme. After hearing the arguments of Arogya Bharati lawyer, the high court refused to put a ban on the programme and dismissed the
petition saying, “It is not the intention of respondent Arogya Bharati to create “designer babies” but to assist pregnant women to have an easy delivery of healthy babies. Therefore, in our opinion the Article which had led to filling of this PIL is prima facie misleading and it is necessary to question why such an Article was published.”