The 5 per cent GDP growth, lowest in 10 years, is the latest example, which proves how the economic mess has been created by the Congress-led UPA government in the country. This figure is not produced by a private agency or an economist, but is part of the official data released by this government itself on May 30. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total value of all the goods and services produced in the country. If it has crashed so low, what good can we expect from this regime?
In 2004, when the UPA received power from the NDA, the growth rate was 8.1 per cent. The booming economy was in such a sound position that soon double digit growth was certain. But the Congress and its partners looted the country so brazenly in nine years that the rising growth rate collapsed to such a low. About a hundred scams involving billions of rupees were reported with mindboggling figures. Scam was reported in every department and in every activity that the UPA undertook. All the revenue generated by the NDA in six years was wasted by the UPA on unproductive programmes. It neither generated jobs nor eradicated poverty, and thus it failed to boost the economy.
What astonishes is the fact that despite being an advocate of liberalisation, Dr Manmohan Singh followed the Congress’s old socialistic policy, which negates the component of growth. As a result, the nation was pushed back in many core sectors. We have witnessed suicides by farmers, collapse and chaos in industry, manufacturing, power generation, infrastructure development, education, and above all the open loot of country’s natural resources. Some looted coal, some took away iron or aluminum ore, some looted the waves in the sky and some even went on to loot the underground gas. Calling it a wholesale loot of natural resources is not wrong. Apart from it, every democratic and constitutional institution, which acts as a watchdog for accountability, was made servile. Never before in the political history has so much damage been caused to the nation.
Is this what they proclaim ‘Bharat Nirman’, to propagate which the UPA is further draining crores of rupees from public exchequer. Rather it is ‘Bharat Nuksan’, and people have realised it. That is why they rejected the Congress in by-elections held on June 2. The Congress could not win even a single Lok Sabha seat. The BJP, on the other hand, won all six seats – four Assembly and two Lok Sabha – in Gujarat. The lone seat in West Bengal was won by TMC. Similarly, the single seat of Bihar was won by RJD, causing a big blow to Nitish Kumar too. The Handia assembly seat in Uttar Pradesh went to the ruling SP. Instead of accepting the defeat, the Congress downplayed the results saying “these were local elections”. It is just like turning the head from the writings on the wall. Fact is that general elections are approaching and now they have no time to correct their mistakes. That is why they are trying to cover up the misdeeds, but they are not going to succeed.
Nothing good can be expected from this insensitive regime. The Prime Minister calls Naxals as the biggest threat to internal security, but he never displayed a will to crush them with iron hand. Even after the brutal killing of its own leaders by these terrorists in Chhattisgarh on May 25, the Congress party is playing politics on this issue. Instead of uniting the nation in this fight, the Congress leaders themselves made the NCTC meeting on June 5 a political battleground. Even the logical arguments of opposition-ruled states’ Chief Ministers–Narendra Modi and others–were politicised. What good can Congress do for the nation?