AS per Urdu Times {October 9, 2012}, a huge mosque is being built in east London in which around 10 lakh people can offer prayer at a time; besides that an Islamic library, sports facilities and flats for Ulema are also being built. The construction of the mosque is being done by Tabliqi Zamat. According to the Daily Mail, the construction of this mosque is being opposed by the local Christian population. They are saying that this mosque will become a hub of terrorist activity so the government must not allow its construction. The movement against the construction of this mosque is being led by L N Garg. Garg said that there is a huge increase in the activity of extremist Muslim organizations but the government is not doing anything to curb them. According to Akhbar Mashriq {October, 17, 2012}, a four-storied mosque of glass has been built in Shillong. This has been opened for the people of Assam as well. General secretary of Muslim Union Syed Nagram said that it took one and half years to built this mosque and there is an idgah in it as well. There is an orphanage, a library and a religious madarsa in the mosque complex where Islamic education will be imparted. Around 2000 people can offer prayer in this mosque. Around Rs 2 crore have been spent on this mosque. The orphanage can house 51 children.
(Courtesy: India Policy Foundation)