THIS day, our minds are filled with the hallowed memory of our guiding lights like the late Sudarshanji. In the course of the march of victory, the memory of great heroes provides us with the inspiration to forge ahead.
Vijayadashmi is the festival of victory. The whole nation celebrates the festival to commemorate the triumph of humanity over savagery, the forces of good over the forces of evil. This day is marked for overcoming the limitations imposed on our efficiency and prowess by our own imaginary weaknesses and to assert our valour. Since we can redeem our nation from its present predicaments and intricacies only through the multi-faceted efforts of the people’s strength, the peoples psyche requires such a transgression.
We have demonstrated time and again our ability to do so even during our 65 years of Independence. In every field of human life, including science, trade, arts, games, etc and in the environment of competition prevalent both at the national and the international level, the examples that proclaim the acumen of Bharat, have become quite common now-a-days. In spite of this, in the current situation, the minds of people of our entire nation show the sign of anxiety, concern and, at places, even disappointment about the future. The developments during the last one year have helped only to accentuate these concerns. The security situation, both internal and at the international borders, still continue to be a matter of concern. The promptness should be exhibited and efforts be seen to address the problems like the inadequacy of latest weapons and ammunition, technology and other equipment and materials our armed forces require to protect our land, lack of proper roads, transport facilities to move men and material to the frontier posts, and insufficiency in communication network. On the contrary, unnecessary controversies regarding trivial matters concerning the offices of the personnel of our armed forces are made topics of unhealthy discussions in the media that affect the morale of our armed forces. The will to achieve self-sufficiency in everything related to national security through indigenous production should be seen in our policy. No interest is shown. The promptness should be exhibited and efforts be seen to address the disinterest, inefficiency and lack of coordination discernible in our defense strategy.
It is necessary to make fool-proof security arrangements to protect our national boundaries, including the islands and archipelagos that form part of our territory.
From the point of view of security, along with the security of the national boundaries, military preparedness and protection, in the present context, our foreign policy and its execution also play a significant role. From this angle, the higher-ups in our administration had a few years ago made a much-awaited declaration of “Look East Policy.” All the South East Asian countries are aware and have accepted that their basic values and that of Bharat’s national life are the same and until recent times and even today, with reference to culture and trade, they were having close relationship with us because of business and other transactions. So, it was proper on our part to have resolved to establish friendly relationship and cooperation with all these countries. The people of those countries have also been favourable to this. And, of course, the declaration was made with great speed and much enthusiasm. However, the tardy progress at the level of implementation has been most disheartening. The fact that China has entered the arena as a competitor with full force and preparation makes the worry at the low pace of progress on our part all the more confounded. Now we know that China has befriended Pakistan to such an extent that they have given their nuclear technology to Pakistan. And the consequences of China surging ahead of us to establish such strategic relationship with our immediate neighbours like Nepal, Myanmar and Sri Lanka could be imagined from the angle of our national security.
Moreover, in all these places people of Indian origin are living in great numbers and to safeguard the interests of these people also, our foreign policy should be oriented in such a way to keep these traditionally friendly countries on our side.
But certain developments that happened with the backing of our own government and administration in the last few years, have only added to the worries of the people and created a suspicion in their minds, whether our policies are formulated in the best interests of our nation or not. In Jammu & Kashmir, because of the policies pursued by the government during the last decade, terrorist activities are on a come back trial. The areas under Pak-occupation have to be liberated; discrimination shown in administrative and developmental matters in the case of Jammu, Leh–Ladak and the Kashmir valley should be stopped forthwith and these areas must be made at par with the other parts of the country; conditions should be made favourable and secure for those Hindus to come back to the valley with honour, who were forced to flee their home and hearth; persons who took shelter in the state of J&K at the time of Partitions should be granted state citizenship, but the policies adopted are further complicating the situation. The power crazy political parties governing at state and Center continue with the process of ignoring the national interests and are succumbing to the pressures of foreign forces. It appears from the prevalent situation in the eastern parts of the nation that we have not learnt any lessons from our grim situation in the Northern parts caused by the progressive depletion of the nationalist Hindu population due to historical processes.
We have been repeatedly warning for the last many years against infiltration, smuggling of weapons, narcotics and counterfeit currency notes, etc. through the porous border areas of Assam and Bengal. Our intelligence agencies, High Courts and Supreme Court and even the Governors of the respective states also have tolled the warning bell from time to time against this menace. But ignoring all such warnings, for the sake of power, wrong policies have been followed and wrong decisions have been taken due to lack of a clear-cut national view, and, as a result, North-east India has been facing problems of grave magnitude. The demographic imbalance caused as a result of infiltration has rendered the native population into in a minority, in many parts of NE Bharat and the phenomenon is stretching its hands all over Bharat. The poisonous brew of separatism and terrorism, growing there under the shade of religious conversion on a large scale, is given a new lease of life time and again because of the weak policies. The interference by expansionist China is looming large on our northern borders. Making use of this favorable condition, terrorist organisations like Al- Qaeda are also trying to get a foothold in the area. In such a situation, only the effective presence of our armed forces and the strong moral of the people, who have been living there braving the adversities remain the only substratum to ensure the security of our land and people. Before it is too late, we have to change our policies at the earliest. In our Northeastern region as also in other states of Bharat, infiltrators should be identified at the earliest and their names should be deleted from the voters list, and their ration cards, identity cards, etc. should be cancelled and necessary arrangements should be made to send back those infiltrators who are staying in our country illegally. The National Register of Citizens should be prepared in accordance with the clear-cut directions given by the courts, recording the place of birth, place of either parents or grandparents, supported by relevant documentary evidence. Not only in the Northeast region, but elsewhere also it has been our experience that, whenever either under pressure of public opinion or as directed by the courts, to identify foreign nationals and doubtful voters becomes inevitable, both the government and the administration have, rather than identifying such people, invariably let off the Bangladeshi infiltrators and, at the same time, harassed the harmless Hindu migrants from Bangladesh, who have settled there for very many years.
We all have to clearly understand and accept that for the Hindu society worldwide Bharat, which is traditionally known as Bharat only for the reason that this has been the land of Hindus, is the only land they can claim as their fatherland and their sacred land. And wherever Hindus become a minority or ineffective, even the names of such regions get changed. If at all Hindus are forced to flee their land of residence because of persecution, they have no other place to go. So, no Hindu, from wherever he comes here, should be considered a foreigner. Either those who have recently come here from the Sindh, or those who have come from Bangladesh seeking refuge, or such Hindus who have been forcibly and unwillingly made to take refuge here because of the torture or persecution they had to undergo, should get refuge in Bhatrat with love and respect. Also, it is the responsibility of the Indian government to play its role effectively to protect the interests of the Hindus all over the world.
There is one more dimension to this whole sequence. Only for the reason that the infiltrators belonged to their own religion, some quarters come forward to even justify the illegal activities being carried out by the infiltrators. People from the Northeast, staying in other parts of Bharat, either for education or vocation, were being threatened. The incident that took place at the Azad Maidan in Mumbai, has acquired notoriety. It shows that the anti-nationals who take pride in the desecration of the Amar Jawan Jyoti in Bharat in protest against the action taken by the Myanmar government against Rohingyas, continue to exist here.
It is a matter of concern, anger and disgrace that as a result of the policy adopted by the very administration detrimental to the national interest, and because of the growing impudence of the anti-national fifth columnists, such forces could bring great ignominy to both the law and order machinery and the government. It is very unfortunate that, in spite of all might and preparedness, those, who allowed a free play of anti-national forces because of their defective polices, are our own people, belonging to our independent nation.
Let alone inculcating national spirit in the society as a whole, what we witness in our own Hindustan, is that, for the sake of votes, probably out of the feeling of fundamentalism or separatism or antagonism, for the last ten years attempts are being made progressively to insult or weaken the Hindu society either through wrong policies or through deception and subterfuge. Attempts are made to tarnish the image and goodwill of our revered Acharyas by leveling concocted charges against them. Swami Lakshmanananda, who was engaged in serving the Vanvasis, was murdered through a premeditated action and the real perpetrators of the crime are still at large; misuse and misappropriation of the funds and assets of Hindu temples continue unabated; an atmosphere of suspicion and imputation is being created; with an aim to malign or denigrate the Hindu beliefs, traditions or cultural values, deliberate attempts are made to raise controversies regarding the funds and assets of Trusts formed by the Hindu saints and the temples like Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple of Thiruvananthapuram. Although the majority Hindu community is very broad-minded and accommodative, attempts are still being made to bring in a legislation that defames the Hindu society and vitiates the atmosphere of amity that prevails.
The very people who swear by democracy, secularism and the Constitution, have introduced reservation based on religion and are advancing the theory that the minorities have the first claim over the national assets. Political alliances are hatched with the avowed aim of launching indirect attack against the Hindu society through love-jihad and religious conversion. As a result, in the mind of the Hindu society that has been living here, practicing the national values, naturally there has been a lurking doubt whether the leadership here is representative of them and taking care of their interests and aspirations or not? The dictatorial, materialistic and fundamentalist forces and the forces of rank opportunism that have infiltrated the state governments and the Central government, who are out to destroy Hindutva and Hindusthan, are engaged in yet another attempt to vitiate the atmosphere of amity.
According to reports, attempts are on to acquire a large plot adjacent to the Ramjanmabhoomi so as to construct a big structure for Muslims. The construction of Sri Ramjanmabhoomi Temple is an issue pending before the court. So, making such irresponsible proposal at this juncture will amount to playing with the sentiments of the people and will result in vitiating the atmosphere of amity. Keeping in mind the judgement delivered by Allahabad High Court on September 30, 2010, the Parliament, in fact, should bring in legislation at the earliest to allow the Ramjanmabhoomi Nyas to construct a majestic Ramjanma-bhoomi Temple, and at the same time ensuring that any construction for the sake of Muslims shall be allowed only outside the cultural boundaries of Ayodhya. This is the only way to solve the issue amicably, ridding it of all political overtones. However, the prevailing political atmosphere in the country is not such to raise expectations of solving the issue in the best interests of the nation, without vitiating social amity.
Nowhere in the world the experience of allowing big companies through direct foreign investment in the retail sector has been encouraging. So to allow foreign companies to enter in a big way in retail business by enhancing the limits of foreign direct investment to insurance sector and pension sector will, rather than bringing us any profit, ultimately result in loss of income to retailers, lesser prices to our cultivators for their produce, and price rise to consumers. Along with this, it may also pose a threat to our food security. Even otherwise, plunder of our natural resources, destruction of bio-diversity and environment in the name of development and depriving those who are dependent on these of their income and habitation, is going on unhindered. Citing the economic progress made by a small section of our society, we have been claiming that we are on the fast track of development! However, even that progress has come down from 9 per cent to 5 per cent. And the whole nation is reeling under price rise. The gap between the rich and the poor has ever been increasing, so much so that the problem of inequality has assumed frightening proportions. God alone knows why such half-baked laws are brought in with breakneck speed without any deliberations or discussions. Instead of such so-called reforms what are needed are real reforms. In this field, calls for well-meaning reforms in the electoral system, tax system, internal auditing, penal code are either ignored or suppressed.
The plan and direction of development currently followed by the world, is the product of a deficient thought and the result is for us to see all over. Moreover, this plan is being carried out according to the game plan of rich multinationals to serve their ends. And till such time we redraw our plan with an holistic approach and abreast of the times, taking into account all dimensions of life, according to our ability, necessity and capacity, we will not be able to achieve a balanced development and progress beneficial to all; nor the world will be able to emancipate itself from the incomplete and deceptive life it is presently leading.
The consequences of incomplete thought had made the lack of national and individual character in our country more pronounced and painful. The mind-boggling revelations about corruption have not come to an end yet. Many small and big agitations have been conducted demanding punishment to the corrupt, for bringing back black-money stashed away in foreign banks, and for stringent laws to curb corruption. Many Sangh swayamsevaks also have taken part in such agitations. At the same time, knowing well that corruption is on the rise because of lack of character, Sangh continues to concentrate in its work of character-building people should be made aware of the need to change the system, taking care to ensure that they do not fall a prey to disappointment or develop any aversion for the system. Or else, a situation similar to one, developed in the Middle East countries in which fundamentalist and foreign forces had created almost an anarchic situation to serve their interest, would be repeated here. Non-political, lawful and wide social pressure is the only means to eradicate corruption. For its success, we will have to bring about widespread reforms in the educational system, administrative system and the electoral process. Also, through widespread discussion and exchange of views, we will have to think of the basic as well as long-term changes to be effected in our system. The ill-effect of blindly following even now a defective and destructive pattern in our social life, is now very much before us. Increasing caste feelings and hatred, exploitation and harassment of the deprived sections of the society, the growing instances of harassment of women due to lack of moral values, including among educated sections, rapes, female-feoticide, licentious living, murders and suicides, breaking up of families, growing antisocial activities, stress and depression in life due to loneliness, which were not seen, or only minimal in the society earlier, have become endemic now. And time has come for us to think about system based on our eternal values, suitable to the present times to reorganise the society.
We can’t become free of fault by leaving all responsibility to politics, government and the administration. Right from our homes up to the social sphere, are we in a position to project ourselves as the perfect example of purity, lawfulness, discipline, honesty in dealings, sensitivity, etc. that form the practical and necessary ingredients for a solid national life? Let us know the basic fact that every reform starts from our own view of life and behaviour and nothing can be achieved merely through agitations.
Mahatma Gandhi has mentioned about seven social sins in one of the issues of Young India, in 1922. The seven social sins are:
• Politics without Principles
• Wealth without Work
• Pleasure without Conscience
• Knowledge without Character
• Commerce without Humanity
• Worship without Sacrifice.
This appears to be description of our present-day social and political scenario. In such a situation, it is for the forces of virtue to work in society, taking society along with them. We have to accept this challenge and move forward. Swami Vivekananda was one among the pioneers of Indian renaissance from whom great men like Mahatma Gandhi had drawn inspiration. In the coming days, the celebrations of his 150th birth anniversary will commence. It is for us to realise his message. Becoming fearless, with self-respect and self-confidence and sterling character we will have to do penance. We have to awaken the Dharmic Bharat through our dedicated, selfless work and serving man as God without expecting anything in return. The work of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is to mould individuals filled with these qualities. This work is the need of the hour. All of you have to actively participate in this work. Attracted by our incessant penance and unrelenting hard work, the society will rise and come forward to work together. Then, like the great Ganges rushing towards the sea overcoming all obstacles, the star of good fortune of our nation will start his journey from his horizon to zenith. So, as exhorted by Swami Vivekananda, let us “Arise! Awake! Stop not till the goal is reached!”
Bharat Mata Ki Jai