Why premature closing of Veer Shivaji?: VHP?
The popular TV serial, Veer Shivaji, on Color Channel is going to be closed by the end of this month. Citing resentment among the viewers following it, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad asked the Channel to clarify the reasons why it is going to close the serial. The secretary general of the VHP Delhi Shri Satyendra Mohan urged the channel to continue the popular serial as it is spreading the message of patriotism. “We have sent a letter to the Channel Head to continue the serial in national interest”, said Shri Vinod Bansal, media chief of the VHP, Delhi. It is to be noted that once a chart burner for the channel, Veer Shivaji serial is going to be closed much before to its schedule. While the production house and the viewers want its logical end, the Channel is seen adamant to close it, though no reason has officially been cited so far to stop the serial. The external pressure on the Channel to close the serial cannot be ruled out. (FOC)?