Nationalists must join politics and save India?
JG Arora?
As per Mahabharat, Sarve Dharma Rajdharma Pradhanah (of all the sacred duties of an individual, duty for the nation is the foremost duty). It is tragic that de-Hinduised by Macaulayan education, and brain-washed by anti-Hindu main stream media, most of Hindus have forgotten their Raj Dharma and have become self-effacing; and have no assertive political ideology or political goal.
Besides, since most of Hindus and their social and religious organisations are politically passive, they have disempowered themselves by leaving the political field free for anti-Hindu and phony secular political parties.
And in a democracy, political field is the most important field.
As I have often mentioned, a unilateral war is being waged by anti-Hindu forces to wipe out Hindu religion and Hindu civilisation the way other native cultures and religions have been demolished in the world.
Hindus have already lost the lands now known as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan which used to be Hindu lands. And because of unchecked infiltration of Pak-Bangla nationals, and foreign-funded conversions, with each passing day, even the truncated India is being made more Islamic and more Christian and less Hindu.
Political destitution of Hindus is evident from the fact that a billion strong Hindu community does not have a single Hindu country in the world though all the 57 Muslim majority countries are declared as Islamic countries.
As most of Indian political parties pursue communal and divisive politics in the name of secularism, Hindus are victims of discrimination and deprivation. Therefore, to get justice for Hindus, there is an urgent need to politicalise the Hindus, and to liberate them from spurious secularism.
This write-up explains how because of Hindus’ passive approach to politics, India is being de-Hinduised, and Hindus are victims of discrimination, deprivation and degradation. Besides, to ensure justice for Hindus and to save Hindu religion, Hindu civilisation and Hindu identity of truncated India, it requests all nationalist individuals and social and religious organisations to actively participate in politics, and wield political power.
‘Secular’ parties’ communal agenda
Bharat Varsha including the present day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Afghanistan and even Zabol in Iran was Hindu land with zero Muslim population till Muslims from Arab attacked Sindh in 711. Defending their motherland valiantly during repeated Muslim attacks for over a thousand years, Hindus lost areas now known as Afghanistan in 987, and Pakistan and Bangladesh to Muslims in 1947.
Logically in 1947, on India’s partition on religious basis and creation of Pakistan for Muslims as demanded by Muslims, truncated Bharat should have been declared a Hindu republic to re-assert its Hindu identity. However, a perverse ‘secularism’was foisted on Bharat where anything which is anti-Hindu, pro-Muslim, divisive, sectarian, and even anti-national is ‘secularism’.
Most of Indian political parties are pseudo-secular; and follow their divisive, communal, appeasing and anti-Hindu agenda in the name of‘secularism’. Therefore, even after an election, bogus secular agenda continues to operate since in the absence of any strong nationalist political alternative, power goes from one (fake) secular outfit to another.
Hindus continue to face discrimination and degradation because anti-Hindu and sham secular forces, and not the nationalists, wield political power and control the Indian state.
Only a few perversities of politics of sinister ‘secularism’ are mentioned below:
Crores of Pak-Bangla infiltrators planting mini-Pakistans and mini-Bangladeshs in India; genocide and eviction of Hindus from Kashmir; foreign-funded conversions; government control of all prominent Hindu temples whereas no mosque or church is covered by such control; special privileges to minorities under Articles 29 and 30 of Constitution; special rights to Muslim majority Jammu & Kashmir under Article 370; reservation for Muslims in government jobs and educational institutions, repeal of Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act, 1987 and Prevention of Terrorist Activities Act, 2002; special benefits conferred upon non-Hindus by many state governments; and provision of Haj subsidy though none of 57 Islamic countries gives any such subsidy.
Reservation for Muslims and Pak-Bangla demographic invasion are discussed hereunder in some detail.
Reservation for Muslims
Though reservation on religious grounds is unconstitutional, and will tear apart India’s secular fabric, on December 22, 2011, Congress-led Central Government declared 4.5 per cent reservation for minorities in government jobs and educational institutions to harvest Muslim votes in assembly elections in various states including Uttar Pradesh. This reservation was promised to be raised to nine per cent after the elections whereas some other political parties favoured 18 per cent of reservation for Muslims as per Muslim population in Uttar Pradesh.
Since appeasement is a bottomless pit, reservation for Muslims would open the floodgates for more dangerous and more divisive demands and would re-create pre-1947 situation which created Pakistan.
Though government jobs and educational institutions all over India are as much open to Muslims as to other communities, reservation for Muslims ignores the partition of India on religious grounds in 1947 and creation of Pakistan for Muslims as demanded by Muslims.
After getting Pakistan in 1947, most of Indian Muslims who had demanded Pakistan for Muslims stayed back in India, and did not go to Pakistan. Accordingly, after the creation of Pakistan, Indian Muslims can have rights only as Indians and not as Muslims; and any reservation for Muslims in truncated India is untenable.
Daily infiltration
Since the fake secularists, and not the nationalists, are wielding political power, the most vexatious problem tormenting India is that of Pak-Bangla demographic invasion through crores of Pak-Bangla infiltrators which has changed demographic maps of many Indian States. In their bid to dismember and bleed India through “a thousand cuts”, Pakistan and Bangladesh have sent countless terrorists and crores of their nationals into India to plant more Pakistans and Bangladeshs on Indian soil.
The issue of Bangladeshi infiltration was taken to Supreme Court. By its judgement dated July 12, 2005, Supreme Court struck down the Illegal Migrants (D.T.) Act, 1983 as unconstitutional; and termed Bangladeshi infiltration as “external aggression” and directed that “Bangladeshi nationals who have trespassed into Assam or are living in other parts of the country have no legal right of any kind to remain in India and they are liable to be deported.”
Shockingly, instead of deporting the infiltrators, on Feb. 10, 2006, UPA government brought in the Foreigners (Tribunals for Assam) Order to nullify the apex court’s judgement. But on December 5, 2006, Supreme Court quashed this Order also as unconstitutional, and called for implementation of its earlier judgement dated July 12, 2005 for deporting illegal immigrants.
Despite the Supreme Court’s above-mentioned judgements, no infiltrators have been deported by the government. Rather, infiltrators are being given voting rights.
Central and State governments, media and major political parties are silent spectators when India is being grabbed bit by bit by Pak-Bangla infiltrators every day.
Way out
In the words of Ralph Nader, “If you are not turned on by politics, politics will turn on you”.
In a democracy, we can give practical shape to our mission and vision only through electoral politics. Discrimination, degradation, dis-empowerment and other problems being faced by Hindus are political problems. But political problems can be solved only politically.
Tragically, most Hindus and their social and religious organisations are apolitical; and have no political leanings.
It is because of apathy of most of nationalist individuals and organisations towards electoral politics that fake secularists have been ruling the country and implementing their divisive, communal and anti-Hindu agenda in the name of secularism.
In order to crush daily Pak-Bangla demographic aggression, to prevent the creation of more Pakistans and Bangladeshs on Indian soil, to ensure justice to all and appeasement of none, to give good governance, and to protect Hinduism, Hindu civilisation, Hindu heritage and Hindu identity of truncated India, all nationalist individuals and social and religious organisations must actively participate in politics.
Nationalists must transform ‘pseudo secular’ India into genuinely secular Bharat wherein there will be one law and one nation; no distinction of majority and minority; no discrimination against any community; and all citizens will have equal rights. And to realise this mission, nationalists must weld into a strong political entity led by strong and committed nationalists.
Raj Dharma is much more uplifting and rewarding than escapism which has made Hindus self-effacing, passive and vulnerable. Besides, since it is a matter of survival for Hindus and their civilisation, all nationalists must embrace electoral politics and prevail. As stipulated in Yajur Veda, “Vayam Rashtre Jagriyam Purohita” (We must be vigilant, and protect the nation with utmost care).
(The author is former Chief Commissioner of Income Tax. E-mail is: