Depriving the most deprived!?
By Dr Pravin Togadia
Human Development in any nation charts the growth path of that nation. External factors like availability of jobs, uninterrupted fulfillment of basic needs like food/ shelter / clothes, infrastructure creation, complete equality in opportunities as well as comfort of cultural well-being and safety mark this development. While measuring the Human Development, economic and educational criterion are considered.
In Bharat’s human development scenario, the most underdeveloped are Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes & Other Backward Classes (SC / ST & OBC). Compared to whom? Compared to Muslims and Christians! According to IHDS survey, the lowest annual household income is of the Tribals at Rs 20,000 (Annually nothing more than US $ 400 even if we take the dollar: rupee rate as 1: 50 !). The second lowest are Scheduled Castes with Rs 22,800 only. Close to these shocking lines are OBCs with Rs 26,091 annual household income! All these three have lower annual household incomes than that of Muslims and Christians. Christians and other minorities: Rs 52,500 (even and Muslims: Rs. 28, 500.) (Median Household Income)
Damning this fact in a vicious way, with extreme ulterior political motive, the government got in Rangnath Misra Commission and Sachar Committee to ‘create’ biased and ill-informed reports. Now using these humbug reports that are far away from the ground realities, government went many steps ahead and snatched 4.5 per cent from OBC’s 27 per cent to leave for them only 22.5 per cent in which yet many Muslims are already gobbling up the pie. Recommendation of Misra report that the Constitution of Bharat be amended to delete ‘socially and educationally’ backward and keep only ‘backward’ to somehow fit Muslims in the ‘Snatch from all other than Muslims’ game is another obnoxious move. It is like killing the very Constitution to amend the Constitution! Soon, we will deliberate on this separately.
Even on the poverty ratio, SC, ST and OBC are way behind Muslims considering household income, consumption (education, health, etc put together) and poverty. SC 32.3 per cent, tribals (ST) 49.6 per cent and OBC 23.3 per cent.
Numbers apart, the logic behind forcing majority Bharat to give up its right to education, employment, enterprise, bank loans, etc for those who use Bharat’s Constitution to grab and snatch and who discard the same Constitution quoting sharia to produce unlimited kids, is itself outrageous. Giving is in Hindu culture. Nobody needs to teach Hindus the importance of daan. But any daan should be satpaatri—meaning—to a truly deserving one. Hindus know well that all poor, ill, old, physically challenged and shelterless women/ kids need to be supported and Hindus always have done it. But faking poverty and backwardness using government penchant for votes is a serious breach of national trust. In simple words this very behaviour of claiming to be poor, backward and helping such hollow claims with total government machinery is antinational and discriminatory to the majority.
Strangely, with Rangnath Misra and Sachar Reports these evil designs are out in open. But even before this, various government already surreptitiously included Muslims and Christians in lists of SC, ST and OBC. One ghastly example is of Maharashtra. All Christian converts are from SC in Maharashtra OBC list (Circular 12011/68/ 93—BCC © Dated 10/ 09/1993).
Fakir and many others are in many states are part of OBC list. The already poor and deprived SC, OBC and ST were given benefits of reservations to bring them to the equal level socially, economically and educationally, where they would be able to live truly on developed lives. But government’s satanic roving eye has now zeroed in on these truly on deprived only to crawl before Muslim vote-bank that damns basic Constitution and does not accept the Common Civil Code. They claim to be underdeveloped by purposely damage economic balance of Bharat through population explosion.
Many state governments in their own vote bank greed added Muslims in OBC, SC lists e.g. Muslim Koli in Maharashtra’s OBC Koli (Fishermen) list. Muslim Dhobi in UP and other states, Gawli (local name for Milk related profession) list in Maharashtra has Muslim Gawli added. Merely because Muslims take up a particular profession, can not make them deserving for the OBC benefits given to those traditionally in that work and are therefore, backward. For 450 years Muslims ruled Bharat, many of their descendants stayed back and started doing these trades—they had money and power support both! Islam in over 100 countries including Bharat brags of ‘no-castes in Islam’! Yet, in Bharat they stake their claims on reservations meant for the poor SC, ST and OBC.
We have not even touched upon the dangers of the blanket 15 per cent offered to all the Muslims by the economist PM of Bharat; we would, soon. Now, this snatch from the most deprived to give to Muslims will hurt all in Bharat. In 120 crore population, OBC are 54 per cent, SC 7 per cent and Tribals (ST) 13 per cent. Meaning, the government is snatching from 74 per cent most deprived to give to 13 per cent Muslims and 2.5 per cent Christians who claim to be backward and poor but the real data proves otherwise. There are over 3,000 sub-castes of only OBCs, of which barring a very few over 80 per cent castes are so poor that they do not get to eat a single morsel for a week. In Uttar Pradesh over 234 OBC castes—Kumhar, Prajapati, Banjara etc; in Haryana over 75 castes—Ramiya, Aheria, Nishad, Pal etc; in Maharashtra over 250 castes—Koshti, Gawli, Kongadi, etc; in Uttarakhand over 78 castes— Vishwakarma, Shakya, Sahu etc; in Keral over 81 castes— Billava, Chetties, Kudumbi etc and in many other states put together over 3000 castes of OBC are being trampled by government fatwa of snatching 4.5 per cent from them to give to Muslims over and above the already included Muslims in these lists and above the great PM’s blanket 15 per cent to all Muslims in education, scholarships, tuition fees, hostels, bank loans and jobs etc.
Government and Muslims have literally hatched a horrible conspiracy creating mirage of ill-informed reports. Using them, majority of Hindus including forward castes poor and 74 per cent deprived are being looted. They will not even be able to complain due to the upcoming Targeted Violence Bill which snatches all rights of majority to even file a simple FIR against any Muslim for any crime.
If the ‘Snatch from OBC’ move goes through, it will set a precedent and then government and Muslims together will have a free hand to grab from all per their vicious plan. government and Muslims are smart enough to know that snatching from OBCs, SCs, ST and Open Merit will get all out on streets, so the weapon of communal violence. Bill will be used to send all other than the Muslim vote bank to jail. All Hindus need to stand up together keeping aside any differences amongst one another and fail the vicious design to break Bharat for the second time. Hindu Sarva Jaati (All Castes) Maha Panchayat is one such effort to together make a difference.
(The writer can be contacted at [email protected])