Beat The Academic Exam The Smart Way, Dr Sunil Vaid, Diamond Pocket Books (P) Ltd, Pp 118, Rs 50.00 (PB) each
BOARD exam is a dreaded word for both students and parents alike. Parents tend to pressure the already stressed out children to study harder, for that edge in the marks which will push them a wee bit ahead of others. So when a book promises ways to increase 10 per cent more, it is sure to be picked up like hot cakes.
Dr Sunil Vaid, a Child Specialist and an educationist by choice has written a book Beat The Academic Exam The Smart Way. With the right attitude and by adopting some techniques of learning and writing a student can score much better than before, he says. Dr Rajendra Prasad is quoted as saying “you prepare for the exam for three years, are tested in 3 hours and judged in 3 minutes.” True enough.
Some of the techniques mentioned are: positive attitude, selecting questions to focus, self assessment, regular eating habits and sufficient sleep and rest and time management.
The book also looks at some of the reasons for failure such as procrastination, negative expectancy, presumptive excuse, deviation and panic and stress.
A low-priced book, a good guide to children to pick up ideas to ponder and adopt.