Expressing sympathy to the relatives of the dead and the injured in Assam serial blasts, VHP general secretary Dr Pravin Togadia said, ?Killing Hindus on Diwali, Bhaiduj and two days before Chatpooja is a part of a larger conspiracy of jehadi terrorism. From Bangladesh to PoK and from Pakistan to Somalia, all over they are planning to destroy India. Those who want to establish Darul Islam all over the world are doing such blasts from India to America and from UK to Spain. For short term benefits of power and therefore, for votes, all governments and political parties are not only ignoring these jehadi groups but also sheltering them and victimising Indian Army and Hindus implicating them in false cases. Those who justify Afzal by not hanging him and those who question Inspector Sharma”sbrave act are equally responsible for death of lakhs of Hindus in various terror attacks.?
VHP demanded the imposition of President”sRule in Assam in the wake of serial blasts. Dr Togadia said, ?In seven districts of Assam, Pakistan and Bangladesh flags are being hoisted. It is not continually possible without support of the government and local administration. Even now, over 1 Lakh Hindus are in refugee camps due to jehadi attacks on them a month back and many are yet missing. Government does not protect citizens of India only because of vote bank politics.?