In a classic renewal of ?I scratch your back, you scratch my Back? Phenomenon, CPM and jail released P.D.P. Chairman Abdul Nasser Madhani have found love birds in each other. Although the Congress-led UDF tried to send feelers to Madhani, it was struck down by Muslim League, since he is their main opponent in Muslim heart lands. The Muslim League made the ?sex scandal? rocked P.K. Kunjalikutty its General secretary, to contain Muslim out flow to Madhani
Madhani'sroad-show from Coimbatore to Cochin, his air travel from there to Thiruvananthapuram his stay at Mascot Hotel, Thiruvanantha-puram, convoy of vehicles, were all courtesy of the CPM regime of Kerala. Madhani and his family are provided three bullet proof vehicles and Z + category security, now given only to Chief Minister, V.S. Atchudanandan. Madhani stayed at the suite, used by President Pratibha Patil, when she came to campaign in presidential polls. Commandos of the State Police and armed constables of the Special Armed Police, numbering fifty, guard him round the clock. His medical treatment at the 5 Star KIMS Hospital is being borne by the state, declared Heath Minister P.K. Sreemathi. What magnanimity, when over 2000 people have died in Kerala due to Chikjungunya and Dengue and almost fifty children died at the government SAT Hospital due to hospital acquired Viruses! But Madhani'slife is more important than the 150 lakh Hindu Population of Kerala! At the reception given to Madhani, three top CPM/LDF Ministers Kodiyeri Balakrishnan, N.K. Prema-chandran and M.A. Baby participated, not to mention CPM MLAS Sivankutty, Surendran Pillai. They sat through the five hour meeting in pouring rain as Madhani described the sufferings he underwent at the Coimbatore Jail. Ultimately Madhani thanked Chief Minister and the CPM for the help rendered, and declared that he will be their fellow traveler.
The Print and electronic media celebrated Madhani for a week. The CPM channel was in the forefront giving exclusive coverage and interviews.
Anyway the Sangh Parivar can be happy because Madhani has praised it and pardoned it, for blasting off one of his legs! In an interview he asks, ?Why should the RSS fear me, they are the largest cadre organisation with links all over the globe. Whichever government in Delhi or states, has pro-RSS members and in its fold. The Defence forces, I.A.S, I.P.S, Police, Judiciary is dominated by the RSS sympathisers. No anti-RSS setup can survive in India. What can a battered one leg man, do against them??
The CPM has though its strategic wooing of Muslims brought several ex-Muslim Leaguers like K.T.A. Jaleel, P.T.A. Rahim, Manjilam Kuzhi Ali, P.T. Kunhi Mohammed into its fold. Several groups like ISM, SIMI, Sunni Kanthapuram Musaliar etc are supporting it. The CPM strategy is now to bring all these stray groups into a clear political set-up under the leadership of Madhani, as an alternative to the UDF'smain partner Muslim League.
But Political analysts say that Madhani is now a spent force. During his 9? year jail term alternative forces like NDF have emerged with the strong backing of Pakistan'sISI. The NDF is also the Kerala mole of AL-Quaida. The NDF doesn'twant Madhani to operate and grow. Like LTTE, Which eliminated all other Tamil groups, for being the sole voice of Lankan Tamils, the NDF wants to be the sole voice of Kerala Jehadis and naturally sole beneficiary of ISI/Al-Quaida funds. Madhani in jail was a better ace than Madhani in the open out!
BJP state President P.K Krishnadas and National Secretary Dr. Balbir Punj have called for sacking of the three ministers for participating in Madhani'sreception. BJP leaders also attacked the state for providing VIP facilities and Z+ category security to the killer of scores, who escaped noose only due to loop holes in our judicial system.