Orissa Newsletter
Orissa: Preferred destination of European tourists
Orissa is preferred destination of British tourists, State Tourism Minister Surjya Narayan Patro'sstatistics revealed. While answering queries on foreign tourists visiting Orissa from January to September 2005, the Minister said more than 21,000 foreign tourists visited the state during the nine month period. Put together, they spent Rs 25.47 crore, the Minister pointed out.
The highest number of tourists (3,214) have come from the United Kingdom during January-September 2005, followed by France (2016), Japan (1,964), Germany (1,870) and USA (1,655). The figures of tourist arrival from other European countries are as follows: Italy (1,386), Australia (1,256), South Korea (1,153), Canada (711), Netherlands (674), Switzerland (545), and Spain (354).
While more tourists from the European countries have visited the state, surprisingly the tourist arrival from the Middle East, Asia and South East Asia was very low. Only four tourists have come from the UAE, 12 from Pakistan, 19 from Iran, 63 from Singapore , 90 from Malaysia, 93 from Nepal, 95 from Sri Lanka, 189 from Bangladesh and 649 from China. Besides, 3,546 nationals from other countries have visited the state during the current year (January-September). During this period, 9,395 foreign tourists have visited Puri, 8,521 Bhubaneswar and 4,843 Konark. The domestic tourist arrival to the above three tourist spots was 35.25 lakh, 18.82 lakh and 12.84 lakh respectively, informed the Minister.