A report by V. Sundaram
Great social scientists always refer to some classical symptoms or indicators of cataclysmic change or transformation like a sudden spurt in social tensions or communal violence, an unprecedented escalation in the incidence of crime at all levels, large-scale eruption of social disorders and a general fall in moral and ethical values caused by widespread decline of religion, etc. No intelligent observer can miss these obvious tendencies or trends in the India of today. Alongside these dangerous tendencies, on the positive and credit side, one can also notice a renewed public interest in the boundless vistas of enlightened spirituality at various levels. This is a very progressive and healthy tendency rooted in our ancient and timeless culture of Sanatan Dharma.
The RSS Sarsanghachalak, Shri Sudarshanji gave some striking examples to illustrate his point in regard to the current trend of rising public enthusiasm for spiritual renewal and revival. For instance, till quite recently, Sabarimala temple was attracting pilgrims only from Kerala and the neighbouring southern states. During the last few years, lakhs of pilgrims from all parts of India and indeed round the world are visiting the Sabarimala temple every year. The samadhi of Sant Gnaneshwar in Maharashtra which used to attract only about 15000 pilgrims, has started drawing more than four lakh visitors every year. Likewise, Haridwar in UP, Tharakeshwar in Bengal, Baidyanath Dham in Bihar are drawing larger and larger crowds year after year. Another important fact is that of large and enthusiastic public participation in public meetings addressed by religious teachers and preachers in all parts of India.
We are nearing the pinnacle of this transformation. In this context, Shri Sudarshanji referred to the distinction between the Hindu cyclical view of history and the Western or Marxist linear view of history. The view that things change from one extreme to the other extreme has been popular in India from time immemorial. Western or Marxist linear thinking may be linked to the belief that each cause has an effect and each effect is tied to a cause, and therefore, each event can be described as an effect of a preceding event or a cause for a consequent event. The cyclical view focuses on a relatively narrow range of objects and factors and builds simple, explicit causal models. The Hindu linear view focusses on a broader range of factors and therefore is more inclined to assume contradiction, change and non-linear development of events.
Applying the cyclical view of history to the Indian context today, Sudarshanji came to the conclusion that a radical transformation is going to take place in India'snational life after 2011. In this context, he referred to the prediction of Shri Ramakrishna Paramahansa that India would undergo a great transformation 175 years after his birth (i.e. 1835) and that the intervening period from 1835 to 2010 would be a period of darkness, disaster, hardship, preparation and probation. We in India today are on the threshold of this coming revolution in 2011.
History has numerous instances of old and well-established civilisations fading away into oblivion or being ended suddenly without leaving any trace behind. For instance, the old gods in Greece and Rome are no longer worshipped there and they are no longer part of the common public consciousness. But the case of India is quite unique, distinct and different. Some vital energy, some inner source of strength or vigour or vitality has given deathless life to Indian civilisation and culture from times immemorial. The names of Rama and Krishna, Shiva and Vishnu, Lakshmi and Saraswati and Kali and Durga have the same cultural and spiritual impact on the minds and hearts of the common people as they had done 5,000 years ago at the time of the Mahabharata war at Kurukshetra. This time-defying continuity of public consciousness has held India together through the ages, tied each to each by the golden chord of Sanatan Dharma.
The RSS Sarsanghachalak was speaking at a public meeting was convened by the RSS, Tamil Nadu at the Music Academy Hall, Chennai on February 18, 2005. Shri Sudarshanji spoke on the theme: ?The vortex of social transformation in India today and the role of the RSS.?
He spoke eloquently and passionately about the great transformation taking place in India today in all spheres?political, economic, social, religious and cultural.
Western or Marxist linear thinking may be linked to the belief that each cause has an effect and each effect is tied to a cause, and therefore, each event can be described as an effect of a preceding event.
All Western scholars, Anglicized Indians (who have got hold of only the carcass of Western culture instead of its spirit), Marxists, Leninists, Maoists and communists of all hues and colours have not realised that Hinduism is not a religion; it is only a way of life. Hinduism is based on the Vedas, the Sanatan Dharma or Vedic Dharma. It stands unrivalled in the depth and splendour of its philosophy, the purity of its ethical teachings and the flexibility and varied adaptation of its rites and ceremonies.
Unfortunately for India, Nehru was more Anglican in outlook than any other Englishman. His secularism was an offshoot of his early schooling in England where he fully assimilated and absorbed the spirit of Western culture. He once told the American Ambassador in 1949-50, ?I am the last Englishman to rule India.? No one can dispute that he was absolutely right in letter and spirit.
It is no small wonder that these Macaulayputras and Marxputras who stand for treasonable reason and reasonable treason with a secular fervour have a tendency to run down the patriotism and selfless sacrifices of matchless heroes and freedom fighters like Veer Savarkar. Veer Savarkar spent nearly 15 years as a solitary prisoner at Cellular Jail in the Andamans. Later he was shifted to Alipur Jail, then to Yerawada Jail and then finally to Ratnagiri for being kept under house arrest. The Macaulayputras and the Marxputras can never understand that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime. Veer Savarkar'sglorious life of splendid self-sacrifice is a song that will sing in the heart of Hindustan for centuries and centuries.
It is a fact of history that the Communist Party of India at the time of Quit India movement was anti-Indian, anti-national, and pro-British. The communists dubbed Subhas Chandra Bose as ?an imperialist stooge?. The words ?enemies of the people?, ?reactionaries?, ?enemies of the proletariat?, etc. are all favourite catch words in an average communist'sdictionary. The Marxist Party of India supported the Partition of India.
Most of India'spublic men in politics today can be classified as either Macaulayputras or Marxputras. They derive their inspiration and ideology from either Macaulay or Karl Marx. No wonder these Macaulayputras and Marxputras are sworn enemies of Hinduputras who derive their ideology, inspiration and strength from Sanatan Dharma or Vedic Dharma. No wonder for these secularputhras the self-less and Swayamsevaks of the RSS are guilty of greater treason than the Pak-supported ISI terrorists in Jammu & Kashmir. These secularputras would vote for criminalisation to fight the rising tide of saffronisation founded on Sanatan Dharma.
West Bengal has been under the control of communist government for 28 years. Nearly 17 lakh people in Kolkata City alone do not get more than one square meal a day. About 20 per cent of the people in West Bengal live below the poverty line for whom hunger is a daily communist comrade, if not a secular friend!!
Parading of Muslim leaders from outside Bihar in a carefully planned and orchestrated electoral cavalcade by Lalu Prasad Yadav is a classic instance.
Even in Russia, communism is dead. China is turning capitalist in spirit, if not in form. The Communist Party of India is moribund and purblind with a Marxian mendacity. It is not, therefore, concerned with the ?reactionary trends? initiated by ?imperialist stooges? in Russia and China today!!
Secularism is a brand name for vote-bank politics in India today. The masters of this great secular art are men like Lalu Prasad Yadav, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Ram Vilas Paswan, Sonia Gandhi, and other like-minded persons. Parading of Muslim leaders from outside Bihar in a carefully planned and orchestrated electoral cavalcade by Lalu Prasad Yadav is a classic instance in point.
These tendencies and trends cannot come in the way of realisation of the dream and vision of Dr Hedgewar, the founder of the RSS. His dream was to create a Hindu rashtra dedicated to Hindu ideals of Sanatan Dharma. The declaration that he made years ago that ?I can unite the Hindus? has become a reality now. There are more than 50,000 shakas in India today. Out of 6.26 lakh villages in India, 4.26 lakh villages have been reached by the RSS. Exclusive and specialist organisations have been created by the RSS to look after youth development, rural development, education and social service. The following words of Hedgewar uttered in 1940, are slowly proving true today: ?If the people are not as yet placing confidence in us, then we shall win their confidence through our selfless actions. Then, what of mere money, the society will place its entire resources at our disposal.?
Shri Sudarshanji also drew the attention of the audience to certain aspects and facts relating to ?religious demography in India?. A book recently brought out by the Centre for Developmental Studies, Chennai clearly indicates that the total percentage of Hindus in India has declined from 79 per cent in the 1991 Census to 69.3 per cent in the 2001 Census. On the contrary, the percentage of Muslims has increased from 10 per cent to 20 per cent and that of Christians from 0.7 per cent to 2.5 per cent during the same period. Sudarshanji cautioned the Hindus against practising family planning in a mindless manner and pleaded that every Hindu family should at least have three children, lest Hindus get reduced to a position of ?minority? in the not very distant future.
More than 5,000 years ago, a great war took place at the battlefield of Kurukshetra. The forces of Dharma (the Pandavas) fought against the forces of adharma (the Kauravas). The forces of Dharma prevailed over those of adharma. Today the whole of India has become a Kurukshetra battlefield. The rest of the whole world outside India is united in its resolve to dismember and destroy Hinduism. Hindus have no permanent abode outside India and therefore we have to gird up our loins and be united in our resolve to protect the sacred soil of India and the inviolable sanctity of our timeless Sanatan Dharma. Are we going to be united enough, disciplined enough and courageous enough to accept this great challenge in the immediate future?
As a freelance journalist, I must say that I was totally overwhelmed by the fact that the hall of the Music Academy was overflowing with more than 1,500 people on the evening of February 18, 2005 which was a working day. Without any newspaper or mass media publicity, without involving politicians and film personalities, the RSS of Tamil Nadu succeeded in persuading more than 1,500 men and women to attend the meeting only through word of mouth, clearly showing that the dreams of Hedgewar and the following beautiful words of Guru Golwalkar are becoming true, slowly but steadily:
?Today more than anything else, Bharat Mata needs such men?young, intelligent, dedicated and more than all virile and masculine. When Narayana?eternal knowledge?and Nara?eternal manliness, combine, victory is ensured. And such are the men who make history?the men with capital M.?