PasHchImI Mandal of Sewa Bharati, Delhi, organised a world peace mahayajna at Gandhi Park in Hari Nagar. Advaitacharya Keshav Sharan Maharaj from Sharnagat Ashram, Chitvan (Nepal), delivered a sermon on Shrimad Bhagvad from January 14 to 22. He inspired the people to take up the cause of world peace, which is the essence and purpose of the sacrificial fire and dharma, which is not synonym to religion, sect or faith. To deliver this massage to all the people, a magnificent procession, comprising various attracting tableaux among which Bharat Mata, Shanti Yajna and Shri Krishna-Arjun discourse were prominently displayed, was taken out in Hari Nagar and Janak Park to convey the massage of world peace to the people.