Saying that Baburaoji always tried his best to increase ideological commitment among the Sangh Swayamsevaks, Shri Harihar Nanda hoped the Bichar Mancha, dedicated in his name, would succeed in creating an intense ideological debate in Orissa on all issues that concern national interest.
Expressing concern over the fact that commitment to the nation among the present generation was on decline, Shri Nanda wished that Manch activities would recreate the nationalistic urge at least among the opinion-making circles.
On October 29, Baburaoji'ssradha sabha will be organised in all district headquarters as a mark of respect to the departed Pracharak, Saha Pranta Pracharak, said Shri Jagdis Prashad Khadanga.
A Swayamsevak from Maharashtra, Baburaoji worked in Punjab during troubled times of Partition and latter came to Orissa to start Sangh work. Even in hostile conditions he could succeed in laying a very strong foundation of nationalist school of thought.