Bharat Karnataka Love Jihad Case: Saddam Hussain forces Hindu wife to convert to Islam, threatens her 3-year-old son
Bharat Assam: Police arrests self-proclaimed “Mullah” in Hailakandi for luring and blackmailing Hindu college girls
Bharat US: Indian diaspora presses ‘Justice for Neha’ – Save Hindu daughters from ‘Love Jihad’ & its diabolical agenda
World Hindu minor girl in Pakistan abducted, forcefully converted to Islam; Radical Islamists persecute more such girls
Bharat Journalist exposed Love Jihad in Assam: Raja Khan from Agra posed as Raj Mishra to trap a Hindu girl in Jorhat
Bharat Assam: Two minor Hindu girls abducted by Muslim men in a week; Police not paying attention, alleged victim’s family
Bharat Love Jihad: Here is a list of 60 incidents where Hindu women have been killed by their Muslim partners
Bharat Assam: Harej kidnapped Hindu girl through love jihad trap; Abdul traped minor Hindu girl and raped her
South Asia “Conversion Factory” Mian Mithu, known for forced conversion of Hindu girls, invited at anti-conversion event in Pak
Bharat Assam: Minor Hindu girl falls prey to love jihad, Rahim Uddin invites her to a place and gangrapes her with 3 others