A horrific instance of ‘Love Jihad’ has surfaced in Hailakandi district in Assam. On August 11, Hailakandi police detained a self-proclaimed “Mullah” on suspicion of tricking several Hindu females. The police claim that the accused, a professional driver, enticed college females in a number of ways by offering to help them with their difficulties. Hujjatul Alam Laskar has been recognized as the self-proclaimed Mullah who was arrested.The police detained 25-year-old Hujjatul from Bahadurpur village, which is close to Hailakandi town.
From the detained Hujjatul, the police took many cell phones as well as various offensive literature and documents. This arrested Mullah is thought to be a part of a large-scale racket that involves ensnaring impressionable Hindu girls. However, the Hailakandi Unit of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is calling for tough measures against the clerics who have been arrested and the jihadi elements who have been implicated in the entire episode. How this driver from Bahadurpur hamlet met Hindu females from Hailakandi town is a matter of investigation by the police. The Hailakandi police have access to some extremely disturbing information.
According to a top Hailakandi police officer, Hujjatul made claims of having remarkable powers when he was apprehended. He claimed to be in charge of the “Jinn,” a supernatural force possessed by Islamist clerics, which would enable him to perform any seemingly impossible task. A well-established and bustling network transported young women from Hailakandi town to Hujjatul. This so-called Mullah conned college females in a number of ways, even getting to know them to get pornographic photos. According to Moon Swarnakar, the president of the BJP SC Morcha, the arrested Mullah and his group trapped a college student from Hailakandi town. The gang began blackmailing the victim after managing to get off-scene photos of her.
The victim’s parents filed a formal complaint against the Mullah with the assistance of BJP leaders in the area. After the superintendent of the district police intervened, accused Hujjatul Alam was taken into custody on August 11. Police’s preliminary investigation has shown that the gang has so far trapped a number of Hindu girls. But these females refrained from reporting it to the police out of fear of social shame. When the family of one victim finally came forward, the authorities were able to break up the jihadi network.