Tensions in Manipur’s Bishnupur district have escalated following a suspected Kuki terrorist drone attack on September 6 morning. According to police reports, rockets were fired from the hill areas of Churachandpur district, targeting the village of Tronglaobi, about 45 kilometres from Imphal. The rockets, launched from a range of over 3 kilometres, damaged two structures—a community hall and an empty room. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.
This attack comes amidst growing concerns over the increased use of drones by militants in the region. On Thursday night, multiple drones were spotted flying low over Kumbi village near Tronglaobi, heightening fears among the local population. Security forces quickly retaliated following the rocket attacks, with a heavy exchange of fire reported from the Bishnupur district.
A New and Dangerous Tactic: Drone usage in Kuki terrorists attacks
The use of drones by suspected Kuki terrorists marks a significant escalation in the ongoing conflict in Manipur. In recent days, drone sightings have become increasingly common, with militants using them for surveillance and even carrying out bombings. Last week, in a separate incident in Imphal West, Kuki terrorists deployed rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) via drones, targeting security forces and civilians in the Koutruk area. The use of high-tech drones in these attacks suggests the involvement of highly trained professionals with access to advanced technology. One woman was killed, and several others were injured, including minors and security forces in these attacks.
Residents have expressed growing concern over this new and dangerous tactic. “We’ve never seen anything like this before. The sight of drones hovering over our villages is terrifying, and now they’re being used to launch attacks,” said a resident of Kumbi village. The incidents have left the community on edge, with many fearing further escalation.
Authorities on High Alert
Security forces are now closely monitoring the situation and have increased regional surveillance. Combing operations have been launched to track down the militants responsible for the drone attacks, as authorities work to restore calm in the region.
The police have urged the public to remain vigilant but to exercise restraint. “We have deployed additional forces and surveillance has been increased to prevent further attacks. The use of drones in warfare is a serious concern, and we are prepared to respond to any contingency that may arise,” a police spokesperson said.
The involvement of drones and sophisticated weaponry in these attacks represents a new chapter in the ongoing conflict in Manipur, raising the stakes for both security forces and local communities. As violence continues to escalate, the authorities are facing increasing pressure to bring the situation under control.